Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Last Supper

Every Sunday at mass we participate in the representation of the Last Supper. Today, Holy Thursday, we reflect on that very important meal when Jesus turned bread and wine into his body and blood. It was at this time that Jesus instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood. Today I pray in thanksgiving for the gifts of priesthood and the Eucharist. I pray for all our priests and religious leaders. Also on this day, we remember how Jesus washed the feet of the apostles. The washing of feet was something only slaves would do, but Jesus washed the feet of his apostles. He asks us all to wash the feet of others, to serve others.

I'd also like to mention that there is a huge prayer campaign for tomorrow, Good Friday, between the hours of 12 and 3. Catholics are encouraged to pray a rosary during that time with intentions for peace in the world and the return of moral values in our communities and our nation. I encourage those Christians who are not Catholic and do not know how to pray the rosary to take some time to pray another prayer or prayers that they are familiar such as the Our Father. Of course it is widely recognized that Jesus' death came around the 3 PM hour. If you have time, I encourage all to watch The Passion of the Christ on Friday. This powerful movie does a great job in getting the viewer immersed in the passion of Jesus and is an essential viewing during this Lenten time.

God bless!

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