Monday, September 22, 2008

40 Days For Life

40 Days for Life starts this Wednesday, September 24th. Please consider joining me in participating in 40 Days for Life. This is the first time I have heard of this campaign and I am very excited to participate for the first time. In order to participate you may do one or all of three things: Pray and fast, prayer and vigil outside a Planned Parenthood center or abortion clinic, and community outreach. Please visit the website and read more about this great campaign for life. In addition to the three things listed above, I encourage you to sign up to receive daily emails about 40 Days for Life and participate in the daily devotional. You can find all this information on the website. Prayer is very powerful and with your help, we can end abortion. We are already seeing great things happening. Talk with people in your church and in your community. Spread the word about 40 days for life. God bless!


Prayer and fasting

As you prepare for the fall 40 Days for Life campaign (September 24 - November 2), please remember that prayer and fasting are the foundation. If there is no abortion facility in your town, praise God! But wherever you are or whatever you're doing, you can pray to end abortion. And you can pray for God's guidance for those involved in prayer vigils and pro-life action around the country.

Also please consider fasting. Some people are unable to fast from food for health reasons; that's understandable. Fasting simply involves renouncing an activity that can put a barrier between you and God. It could be television, the internet, chocolate, coffee, etc. You really can do without it. Take the time you usually spend in those activities and give it back to God.

To help guide your prayer, we have a 40-day series of devotionals that accompany the 40 Days for Life campaign. They are all posted for your convenience. You can still pray, even if a formal campaign is not currently being conducted. God will use your 40-day commitment to prayer in some way, in some fashion.

Specific prayer requests are also included in the 40 Days for Life e-mail updates. Please use the form on this page to receive these important messages.

Constant vigil

The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a 40-day, round-the-clock prayer vigil outside a Planned Parenthood center or other abortion facility in your community.

It is a peaceful and educational presence. Those who are called to stand witness, this 24-hour-a-day presence send a powerful message to the community about the tragic reality of abortion. It also serves as a call to repentance for those who work at the abortion center and those who patronize the facility.

If you do not have an abortion facility or Planned Parenthood office in your town, you can still conduct 40 Days for Life. However, you will need to select a different location which has some strategic significance ... perhaps near city hall, a courthouse, or a highly visible intersection.

Community outreach

During 40 Days for Life, the pro-life message is proactively taken to every corner of your community.

A door-to-door petition and education drive reaches out to every household in your town or city. Informational flyers are distributed in neighborhoods to raise awareness about the local crisis of abortion. Citizens are invited to sign a petition of support for the sanctity of human life, and people are given the opportunity to visibly show their support for 40 Days for Life by wearing wristbands, placing signs in their yards, or displaying bumper stickers on their vehicles.

This one activity alone can help a community rapidly identify hundreds, or even thousands, of pro-life supporters during the 40 days. These people can then be encouraged to pray and join in local pro-life efforts.

Church involvement begins by meeting with local pastors, other church leaders, and members of different congregations. The Body of Christ is invited to pray together and participate in 40 Days for Life, uniting in one focused mission that can save lives and make an eternal impact.

Media outreach is conducted through carefully targeted news stories, talk shows, editorials, and letters to the editor. This enables you to get the pro-life message out to many people who would never see the inside of a local church.

If your community has a college campus, many students can be impacted through an intense 40-day campus outreach. This can consist of flyer raids, sidewalk chalking, petition drives, table displays, and much more.

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