- Improve my prayer life - Because this is not a real quantifiable resolution, I will explain how I hope to improve my prayer life. I cannot promise that I will be able to accomplish each of these, but I'll try.
- Daily prayer from Magnificat - I have prayed using the Magnifcat occasionally and even at times frequently, but I have failed to pray morning and night prayers daily consistently.
- Attend Eucharistic Adoration at least once a week for 30 minutes or more.
- Do some form of spiritual reading every day in addition to daily prayers - ex. Bible Study
- Attend a weekday mass once a week
- Blog Post once a week - Preferrably every Sunday. Also I will try to do more podcasts and may try to incorporate this new form of communication in the Respect Life Committee.
- Reduce the amount of time spent surfing the internet or watching tv. Increase time with family, helping others, and reading.
This blog is my attempt to faithfully live and proclaim the Gospel of Life. It is my answer to the call for a New Evangelization for the greater glory of God.
Friday, December 31, 2010
My New Year's Resolutions
I have learned from prior years that when making New Year's resolutions or when deciding on a Lenten sacrifice, we should choose something meaningful but not try to take on too much. I can think of about 20 things that I would like to improve about myself, but I know that if I try to fix all 20 at once I likely won't fix anything. Therefore, below is my list of resolutions for the New Year that I fully hope and plan to follow through with.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Book Reflections: The Mentor Leader
I recently finished reading Tony Dungy’s latest book, The Mentor Leader. I like reading books on leadership because I believe that they contain lessons that each one of us can apply in our own lives. Everyone is a leader in one form or another. The Mentor Leader contains many of the lessons I’ve read about and learned in other books on leadership, but it is unique because the focus of the book is centered entirely on a specific form of leadership; mentor leadership. Tony Dungy is a very public figure who has not shied away from acknowledging and emphasizing the importance faith plays in his life. It is no surprise then that faith plays a very important role in his book on mentor leadership.
Tony Dungy frequently quotes scripture passages from the Bible to relate today’s leadership practices to those same leadership qualities of Jesus. Tony Dungy, and I, believe that the greatest leader ever to live was Jesus Christ. Therefore, it only makes sense when talking about leadership to study and follow the greatest leader of all, Jesus Christ. So how did Jesus lead?
Jesus was the perfect mentor leader. Before I go any further, let us define mentor leadership according to Tony Dungy. Mentor leaders put people first, strive for significance in life, and keep an eternal perspective. The effective mentor leader builds real and meaningful relationships with the goal of bringing out qualities in others that help them become their best. The mentor leader is not concerned about whether or not they receive credit for positive results. The mentor leader leads by service and appreciates the journey as much as the destination. Mentor leaders produce mentor leaders. When we think about how Jesus led his Apostles, it is clear that he was a mentor leader. His whole life was service; service to God and others. His life was of the utmost importance but he was always humble and let others recognize his significance for themselves. Jesus was always more concerned about the things that are eternal than the temporal. He built very close and strong relationships with his mother Mary and his Apostles. These Apostles later became the leaders of the Church. The Church is a constant reminder of Christ’s leadership and infinite wisdom. We are all called to imitate Him. If we want to become a great leader, we need only look at Jesus.
Tony Dungy presents many great principals and ideas on leadership that I will carry with me as I strive to become a better leader. In fact, his list of Seven ‘E’s of enhancing potential was on my mind when I was developing a mission statement for our Respect Life Committee at my Church. Some of the principals stated in The Mentor Leader are difficult to live by because they are counter to what comes natural to us. Tony Dungy’s success as a football coach is well known and everyone who knows him talks about his character. I do not question his character or his sincerity, but he has a slightly different perspective on a couple of things than me primarily because we have completely different life experiences. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is simply a fact that should be acknowledged. He makes some comparisons when trying to emphasize his points that I probably wouldn’t have used, and I think that he sometimes downplays the importance of achieving your ultimate goals and the effects of not achieving your goals on others. His definition of success may be slightly different than how I would define success, but we agree for the most part that you must not let someone else define success for you. There are several great principals and lessons that I have learned and will work to put to practice in my own life, and because of this I found this book to be a very worthwhile read. We may not always agree with everything that is written in a book, but so long as there is something that we can learn and put into practice we can become a better person for reading. I read for enjoyment, but I also read to learn and to ultimately become a better person. I think there are several things that you will take away from this book, and therefore I highly recommend Tony Dungy’s book, The Mentor Leader.
Tony Dungy frequently quotes scripture passages from the Bible to relate today’s leadership practices to those same leadership qualities of Jesus. Tony Dungy, and I, believe that the greatest leader ever to live was Jesus Christ. Therefore, it only makes sense when talking about leadership to study and follow the greatest leader of all, Jesus Christ. So how did Jesus lead?
Jesus was the perfect mentor leader. Before I go any further, let us define mentor leadership according to Tony Dungy. Mentor leaders put people first, strive for significance in life, and keep an eternal perspective. The effective mentor leader builds real and meaningful relationships with the goal of bringing out qualities in others that help them become their best. The mentor leader is not concerned about whether or not they receive credit for positive results. The mentor leader leads by service and appreciates the journey as much as the destination. Mentor leaders produce mentor leaders. When we think about how Jesus led his Apostles, it is clear that he was a mentor leader. His whole life was service; service to God and others. His life was of the utmost importance but he was always humble and let others recognize his significance for themselves. Jesus was always more concerned about the things that are eternal than the temporal. He built very close and strong relationships with his mother Mary and his Apostles. These Apostles later became the leaders of the Church. The Church is a constant reminder of Christ’s leadership and infinite wisdom. We are all called to imitate Him. If we want to become a great leader, we need only look at Jesus.
Tony Dungy presents many great principals and ideas on leadership that I will carry with me as I strive to become a better leader. In fact, his list of Seven ‘E’s of enhancing potential was on my mind when I was developing a mission statement for our Respect Life Committee at my Church. Some of the principals stated in The Mentor Leader are difficult to live by because they are counter to what comes natural to us. Tony Dungy’s success as a football coach is well known and everyone who knows him talks about his character. I do not question his character or his sincerity, but he has a slightly different perspective on a couple of things than me primarily because we have completely different life experiences. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is simply a fact that should be acknowledged. He makes some comparisons when trying to emphasize his points that I probably wouldn’t have used, and I think that he sometimes downplays the importance of achieving your ultimate goals and the effects of not achieving your goals on others. His definition of success may be slightly different than how I would define success, but we agree for the most part that you must not let someone else define success for you. There are several great principals and lessons that I have learned and will work to put to practice in my own life, and because of this I found this book to be a very worthwhile read. We may not always agree with everything that is written in a book, but so long as there is something that we can learn and put into practice we can become a better person for reading. I read for enjoyment, but I also read to learn and to ultimately become a better person. I think there are several things that you will take away from this book, and therefore I highly recommend Tony Dungy’s book, The Mentor Leader.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Book Review - A Gathering of Angels: Seeking Healing after an Infant’s Death
I purchased A Gathering of Angels: Seeking Healing after an Infant’s Death for my wife shortly after we lost our baby via miscarriage. We found out that we lost our child when my wife went in for her 10 week appointment, but our child had died at just 6 weeks. When we got the terrible news, my wife and I were devastated. I openly wept when I called my mom to tell her the terrible news. I knew that many good people shared their sympathy and this meant a lot to us, but I knew that unless they had lost a child they did not really know how we felt. Most people are well intentioned, but it is very difficult to communicate with someone who has just encountered a tragedy. You don’t know the right words to say or if you should say anything at all. I have been on both sides of this predicament. It is a very difficult situation for all those involved, and that is why I think this is such a good and necessary book. I found out about the book after I heard the author on Gus Lloyd’s morning radio show on the Catholic Channel. The author of this book, Victoria Leland, is a Neonatal Intensive Care nurse. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering she must encounter on a daily basis. She is a frequent witness to premature death, and she is also witness to some of the most intense grieving known to man; that of a grieving parent.
After reading this book, I’ve got a better appreciation for those nurses who work in the NICU and also for those parents who have suffered the loss of infant children. The most important thing I learned from this book is that mothers who have lost children will grieve that loss for much longer than they may even show outwardly. The pain of losing a child may diminish over time, but it never completely goes away. Grieving parents and especially grieving mothers are extremely emotional and physically, mentally, and spiritually vulnerable. Grieving mothers are often irrational in their expectations of their family, friends and acquaintances, but their unrealistic expectations are emotionally charged and not intentional. Although friends and family are almost always well intentioned, often words said or unsaid or actions done or undone are perceived by the grieving mother as hurtful and unsympathetic. We may not always be able to shape how others perceive us, but if we are honest and sincere in our sympathy, most likely even the grieving parent who may not be in the best frame of mind will recognize and appreciate our presence and good intentions. The best way to comfort a grieving parent is to let them know that although you may not fully understand the intense pain they must be suffering, you recognize that they are grieving and that you are available to them for anything they need. Love them unconditionally. This can be one of the most difficult things to do, but it is what God calls us to do and it is what grieving parents desire most.
Almighty God, tonight I pray for all grieving parents who have lost a child prematurely and unexpectedly. Few events if any are as devastating and painful as the loss of a child. I pray that these grieving parents find comfort through faith in You, and through the compassion and love of family, friends, and acquaintances. I pray for the repose of the soul of the departed children. May they rejoice with You in heaven and anxiously await reunion with their parents in heaven. And may Almighty God bless all those doctors and nurses who work diligently day in and day out to save the lives of so many seriously ill children and people of all ages. May they have the strength to continue their life saving work with a servant's heart, and be instruments of Your healing power. Amen.
God bless!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Julie Dances to Classic Rock Music
My baby girl really likes the classic rock music on my phone. Every time she hears it she smiles and starts dancing. She usually likes to go in circles and make herself dizzy, but this time she just shakes her head and runs around. Feel free to laugh at Julie's dorky dad.
Friday, November 5, 2010
2010 Election Results Analysis
Election Day has come and gone, and now it is time to take a look at the results. At this time there are still a couple of important races in the west that are too close to call. In Colorado, my endorsed candidate for senate Ken Buck is trailing by a couple thousand votes. In Washington, pro-life candidate Rossi is a couple thousand votes behind pro-abortion Murray. In Alaska, it appears that pro-abortion write-in candidate Murkowski is leading republican pro-life nominee Joe Miller. It appears to be bad news in all three of these close races for the pro-life candidates, but I remain hopeful that when all the votes are counted one or more will come out victorious.
Election Day provided mixed results for faithful Catholics and all Christians who believe in the sanctity of human life and the value of the family in society. In the House of Representatives, we elected a majority of pro-life candidates by a wider margin than even thought possible only weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised at how well pro-life candidates did in the House races. Pro-life candidates also did very well in the governor’s races. These races were not covered nationally to the extent that the House and Senate races were, but they are very important in advancing the pro-life cause. One Governor’s race that ended in disappointment was in Colorado where pro-life candidate Tancredo was defeated by pro-abortion Hickenlooper. It also appears that pro-life Catholic candidate in MN Emmer will lose his election bid although they are still counting votes in MN. The Senate races ended in disappointment in several races. In addition to the 3 close races that are too close to call but appear to be pro-abortion wins, pro-life candidate Angle in NV lost to pro-abortion Senate majority leader Reid. According to polls leading up to the election, it appeared Angle was pulling away and was going to win. Most of the other pro-abortion wins were fully expected and although they are disappointing, the fact that it was expected makes the pro-life losses a little easier to take.
I have focused a lot on the pro-life losses, but all in all it was a very good day for pro-lifers. We gained a huge majority in the house and although we didn’t get a majority in the Senate, we did pick up some very important gains. Perhaps my very favorite politician (and future presidential candidate if you ask me) Marco Rubio in FL won in convincing fashion. Our representatives today are much more pro-life minded than the representatives in the last congress. For this, we should be very pleased. We should not look at these election results as an end, but rather a new beginning in the continued fight for human dignity and rights of all people. The personhood amendment in CO that would have giving rights to human beings at their earliest stages (a common sense amendment to all pro-lifers) was defeated resoundingly. While this result was disappointing, it was also expected. The general public is still very uninformed or their conscience is very clouded when it comes to issues regarding the life of the pre-born baby. We have to work diligently to educate not only ourselves, but to share our knowledge with others so that they may become educated on the most important issues of human dignity and life. We can look at this responsibility as a huge burden or we can look at it as an opportunity. I like to look at our challenges as an opportunity.
I am celebrating the many pro-life victories from Tuesday, but I remain cautious about the results. I know that ultimately it is not our elected officials that will change the culture single handedly. A change in culture requires all of us to make the valuing of human dignity and rights of all people a priority. We must all be advocates for life in our daily lives. It is up to you and me to continue the fight in the cultural wars and spiritual battles. We do not put our confidence in our elected officials or even in ourselves, but we place our confidence in God. Yesterday we celebrated; today it is back to work. Today we continue our fight for the dignity and rights of the unborn and all human beings. Below is a look at how my endorsed candidates fared on Tuesday.
Endorsed Governors
AR – Jim Keet (R) – (Loss)
CO – Tom Tancredo (I) – (Loss)
FL – Rick Scott (R) – (Win)
GA – Nathan Deal (R) – (Win)
IL – Bill Brady (R) – (Undecided – Trialing)
KS – Sam Brownback (R) – (Win)
MN – Tom Emmer (R) – (Undecided – Trailing)
NM – Suzanna Martinez (R) – (Win)
NY – Carl Paladino (R) – (Loss)
OH – John Kasich (R) – (Win)
Governor Endorsement Record: 5-3-2
Endorsed Senators
AK – Joe Miller (R) – (Undecided – Trailing)
CA – Carly Fiorina (R) – (Loss)
FL – Marco Rubio (R) – (Win)
NV – Sharron Angle (R) – (Loss)
Senator Endorsement Record: 1-2-1
Endorsed House Representatives
CA 37 – Star Parker (R) – (Loss)
CA 47 – Van Tran (R) – (Loss)
FL 8 – Daniel Webster (R) – (Win)
IL 17 – Bobby Schilling (R) – (Win)
IN 2 – Jackie Walorski (R) – (Narrow Loss)
OH 1 – Steve Chabot (R) – (Win)
House Representatives Endorsement Record: 3-3
Total Endorsement Record: 9-8-3
We ended up winning about half of the races in which I made an endorsement. Some of these were long shots to win. Georgia elected a vast majority of the pro-life candidates, and considering that Georgia is the state in which I live, I was very pleased with the election results. All-in-all it was a good day for Americans, especially the unborn children. Continue to keep our elected officials in your prayers. God bless!
Election Day provided mixed results for faithful Catholics and all Christians who believe in the sanctity of human life and the value of the family in society. In the House of Representatives, we elected a majority of pro-life candidates by a wider margin than even thought possible only weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised at how well pro-life candidates did in the House races. Pro-life candidates also did very well in the governor’s races. These races were not covered nationally to the extent that the House and Senate races were, but they are very important in advancing the pro-life cause. One Governor’s race that ended in disappointment was in Colorado where pro-life candidate Tancredo was defeated by pro-abortion Hickenlooper. It also appears that pro-life Catholic candidate in MN Emmer will lose his election bid although they are still counting votes in MN. The Senate races ended in disappointment in several races. In addition to the 3 close races that are too close to call but appear to be pro-abortion wins, pro-life candidate Angle in NV lost to pro-abortion Senate majority leader Reid. According to polls leading up to the election, it appeared Angle was pulling away and was going to win. Most of the other pro-abortion wins were fully expected and although they are disappointing, the fact that it was expected makes the pro-life losses a little easier to take.
I have focused a lot on the pro-life losses, but all in all it was a very good day for pro-lifers. We gained a huge majority in the house and although we didn’t get a majority in the Senate, we did pick up some very important gains. Perhaps my very favorite politician (and future presidential candidate if you ask me) Marco Rubio in FL won in convincing fashion. Our representatives today are much more pro-life minded than the representatives in the last congress. For this, we should be very pleased. We should not look at these election results as an end, but rather a new beginning in the continued fight for human dignity and rights of all people. The personhood amendment in CO that would have giving rights to human beings at their earliest stages (a common sense amendment to all pro-lifers) was defeated resoundingly. While this result was disappointing, it was also expected. The general public is still very uninformed or their conscience is very clouded when it comes to issues regarding the life of the pre-born baby. We have to work diligently to educate not only ourselves, but to share our knowledge with others so that they may become educated on the most important issues of human dignity and life. We can look at this responsibility as a huge burden or we can look at it as an opportunity. I like to look at our challenges as an opportunity.
I am celebrating the many pro-life victories from Tuesday, but I remain cautious about the results. I know that ultimately it is not our elected officials that will change the culture single handedly. A change in culture requires all of us to make the valuing of human dignity and rights of all people a priority. We must all be advocates for life in our daily lives. It is up to you and me to continue the fight in the cultural wars and spiritual battles. We do not put our confidence in our elected officials or even in ourselves, but we place our confidence in God. Yesterday we celebrated; today it is back to work. Today we continue our fight for the dignity and rights of the unborn and all human beings. Below is a look at how my endorsed candidates fared on Tuesday.
Endorsed Governors
AR – Jim Keet (R) – (Loss)
CO – Tom Tancredo (I) – (Loss)
FL – Rick Scott (R) – (Win)
GA – Nathan Deal (R) – (Win)
IL – Bill Brady (R) – (Undecided – Trialing)
KS – Sam Brownback (R) – (Win)
MN – Tom Emmer (R) – (Undecided – Trailing)
NM – Suzanna Martinez (R) – (Win)
NY – Carl Paladino (R) – (Loss)
OH – John Kasich (R) – (Win)
Governor Endorsement Record: 5-3-2
Endorsed Senators
AK – Joe Miller (R) – (Undecided – Trailing)
CA – Carly Fiorina (R) – (Loss)
FL – Marco Rubio (R) – (Win)
NV – Sharron Angle (R) – (Loss)
Senator Endorsement Record: 1-2-1
Endorsed House Representatives
CA 37 – Star Parker (R) – (Loss)
CA 47 – Van Tran (R) – (Loss)
FL 8 – Daniel Webster (R) – (Win)
IL 17 – Bobby Schilling (R) – (Win)
IN 2 – Jackie Walorski (R) – (Narrow Loss)
OH 1 – Steve Chabot (R) – (Win)
House Representatives Endorsement Record: 3-3
Total Endorsement Record: 9-8-3
We ended up winning about half of the races in which I made an endorsement. Some of these were long shots to win. Georgia elected a vast majority of the pro-life candidates, and considering that Georgia is the state in which I live, I was very pleased with the election results. All-in-all it was a good day for Americans, especially the unborn children. Continue to keep our elected officials in your prayers. God bless!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day
It is finally election day! It is our duty and responsibility to vote. As faithful Christians, we also have the moral obligation to vote for those candidates who share our values especially on the most critical issues of life. Vote for your faith, freedom, and values today. Vote pro-life. I hope and pray that today we see the balance of power shift to those people who are pro-life. We will not win every race, but I hope and pray for good results today. Let's get our country back on track! God bless America!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Political Endorsements - 2010 U.S. House of Representatives
Below are 5 endorsements for the House of Representatives. Each one of these races and has a unique story. I will be paying especially close attention to these races on November 2nd. Vote pro-life!
Van Tran (R) – CA 47
• I am endorsing Van Tran in the race for California’s 47th district. Van Tran is an immigrant from Vietnam whose family moved here to escape the communist regime in Vietnam. Tran is a strong pro-family, pro-life candidate and fiscal conservative. His opponent, Loretta Sanchez, is considered a “blue dog” democrat, but her voting record does not indicate that she is conservative or even moderate on social issues. In fact, she receives high marks from pro-abortion groups NARAL and Planned Parenthood which is never a good thing. Sanchez appears to be yet another “Catholic in name only” democrat. You can’t be truly Catholic and pro-abortion. I’m hoping the California voters will hold her accountable for the bad votes she has made and replace her with a strong social conservative Van Tran.
Star Parker (R) – CA 37
• Star Parker has a unique name, but she also has an inspirational story. Star had a difficult childhood and actually had an abortion years ago, but she had a conversion and is now a pro-life leader. She is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal & Education, a 501(c)3 non-profit think tank that provides a national voice of reason on issues of race and poverty in the media, inner city neighborhoods, and public policy. The following statement is on the CURE homepage: “Fighting poverty & restoring dignity through faith, freedom, & personal responsibility.” I think that’s awesome! She grew up on government dependency, but she found that relying on the government to solve poverty and all her problems was not the answer. Star is a rising star in the Republican Party and a strong social conservative in a liberal state campaigning against a pro-abortion candidate. She is trying to become the first African American woman Republican representative. What an inspirational story. I fully support and endorse Star Parker in her run for public office. If you live in Star Parker’s district, help make history and vote for the pro-life candidate Star Parker.
Daniel Webster (R) - FL 8
• Daniel Webster was victim to one of the most outrageous and blatantly untrue attack ad from extreme and crazy liberal Alan Grayson. Grayson used a comment Daniel Webster made about faith and how we should live our lives and used it completely out of context to make Webster out to be a bigot. Thankfully, the truth about Webster’s comments came out and I think this had a huge boomerang effect on Grayson. Daniel Webster is a strong pro-family, pro-life candidate going up against perhaps the most liberal congressman in the nation. This is one race I will be watching closely. If you live in Florida district 8, please go out and vote for Daniel Webster. I know you do not want the embarrassment of having THIS MAN continue to be your representative.
Jackie Walorski – (R) IN 2
• Jackie Walorski is a strong pro-family and pro-life conservative candidate. Her opponent Joe Donnelly claims to be pro-life, but his votes including his vote for Obamacare don’t reflect that claim. Pro-lifers know that they have a pro-life champion in Jackie Walorski. She is also endorsed by well known pro-life politicians Sarah Palin, Mike Pence, and Mike Huckabee. Below is an inspiring talk she gave to pro-lifers. The video is on Jackie Walorski’s website. Go Jackie!
Steve Chabot - OH 1
• I endorse Steve Chabot for two reasons. Firstly, he is a good candidate who will be a strong fiscal and social conservative. Secondly, his opponent Steve Driehaus did the unthinkable and has sued pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, an organization I fully support, for attempting to inform the voters about Driehaus’ support of Obamacare and consequently his vote for taxpayer funding of abortion. He has taken it so far that Susan B. Anthony List president Majorie Dannenfelser could face prison time. Congressman Driehaus has really stooped to a low in order to try to continue to try and deceive the voters of Ohio into thinking he is a viable pro-life candidate. This attempt to sue Susan B. Anthony will come back to haunt Driehaus as he has undoubtedly lost the respect of many good citizens of Ohio. Steve Chabot has experience as a congressman and pro-lifers can trust that he will not betray them like Driehaus has done. A Steve will be Ohio’s 1st district representative. I hope and pray that those people in the Cincinnati area choose the right Steve.
Van Tran (R) – CA 47
• I am endorsing Van Tran in the race for California’s 47th district. Van Tran is an immigrant from Vietnam whose family moved here to escape the communist regime in Vietnam. Tran is a strong pro-family, pro-life candidate and fiscal conservative. His opponent, Loretta Sanchez, is considered a “blue dog” democrat, but her voting record does not indicate that she is conservative or even moderate on social issues. In fact, she receives high marks from pro-abortion groups NARAL and Planned Parenthood which is never a good thing. Sanchez appears to be yet another “Catholic in name only” democrat. You can’t be truly Catholic and pro-abortion. I’m hoping the California voters will hold her accountable for the bad votes she has made and replace her with a strong social conservative Van Tran.
Star Parker (R) – CA 37
• Star Parker has a unique name, but she also has an inspirational story. Star had a difficult childhood and actually had an abortion years ago, but she had a conversion and is now a pro-life leader. She is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal & Education, a 501(c)3 non-profit think tank that provides a national voice of reason on issues of race and poverty in the media, inner city neighborhoods, and public policy. The following statement is on the CURE homepage: “Fighting poverty & restoring dignity through faith, freedom, & personal responsibility.” I think that’s awesome! She grew up on government dependency, but she found that relying on the government to solve poverty and all her problems was not the answer. Star is a rising star in the Republican Party and a strong social conservative in a liberal state campaigning against a pro-abortion candidate. She is trying to become the first African American woman Republican representative. What an inspirational story. I fully support and endorse Star Parker in her run for public office. If you live in Star Parker’s district, help make history and vote for the pro-life candidate Star Parker.
Daniel Webster (R) - FL 8
• Daniel Webster was victim to one of the most outrageous and blatantly untrue attack ad from extreme and crazy liberal Alan Grayson. Grayson used a comment Daniel Webster made about faith and how we should live our lives and used it completely out of context to make Webster out to be a bigot. Thankfully, the truth about Webster’s comments came out and I think this had a huge boomerang effect on Grayson. Daniel Webster is a strong pro-family, pro-life candidate going up against perhaps the most liberal congressman in the nation. This is one race I will be watching closely. If you live in Florida district 8, please go out and vote for Daniel Webster. I know you do not want the embarrassment of having THIS MAN continue to be your representative.
Jackie Walorski – (R) IN 2
• Jackie Walorski is a strong pro-family and pro-life conservative candidate. Her opponent Joe Donnelly claims to be pro-life, but his votes including his vote for Obamacare don’t reflect that claim. Pro-lifers know that they have a pro-life champion in Jackie Walorski. She is also endorsed by well known pro-life politicians Sarah Palin, Mike Pence, and Mike Huckabee. Below is an inspiring talk she gave to pro-lifers. The video is on Jackie Walorski’s website. Go Jackie!
Steve Chabot - OH 1
• I endorse Steve Chabot for two reasons. Firstly, he is a good candidate who will be a strong fiscal and social conservative. Secondly, his opponent Steve Driehaus did the unthinkable and has sued pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, an organization I fully support, for attempting to inform the voters about Driehaus’ support of Obamacare and consequently his vote for taxpayer funding of abortion. He has taken it so far that Susan B. Anthony List president Majorie Dannenfelser could face prison time. Congressman Driehaus has really stooped to a low in order to try to continue to try and deceive the voters of Ohio into thinking he is a viable pro-life candidate. This attempt to sue Susan B. Anthony will come back to haunt Driehaus as he has undoubtedly lost the respect of many good citizens of Ohio. Steve Chabot has experience as a congressman and pro-lifers can trust that he will not betray them like Driehaus has done. A Steve will be Ohio’s 1st district representative. I hope and pray that those people in the Cincinnati area choose the right Steve.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Population Crisis
Many environmentalists and social liberals are and have been convincing people that overpopulation is destroying the earth and leading to poverty. In fact, it is the declining fertility rate due in large part to the push for "family planning" that started back in the 1970's that is having a hazardous effect on our economy and our way of life. As the baby boom population gets older and retires, there is less consumption as they have declining financial capital to make purchases. They look to sell more often than buy but there are not enough people looking to buy what they have to sell. This is part of the reason why we currently have the housing crisis. The young people are fewer in number, so we young adults and our children will and are already seeing huge financial obligations to take care of the elderly and soon to be elderly. Not to mention we are building TRILLIONS of $ in national debt that must be paid eventually. There are less workers to pay for more retirees. This is a problem that is only going to get larger if we continue on the same path. We will either see huge increases in our taxes or massive cuts spending and promised entitlements such as social security. We are currently in an economic recession, but if we continue on the same path we are on we will see a economic depression worse than any we've seen before in our history. So this cultural mentality that children are a burden to society and that civilized societies are better off by reducing their population is not only morally wrong but it is wrong in every way shape and form including economically and socially. A strong family structure and a growing population is crucial to the success and wellbeing of society. So the next time you hear somebody say they fear overpopulation, let them know that they should be far more concerned about a population decline. I pray that as a culture we reevaluate how we look at life and recognize how many of our policies and cultural attitutudes are dehumanizing and destructive. We will not eliminate poverty by reducing fertility, we will multiply poverty. We are killing our children in the name of convenience and the so called "common good" of society. We need to wake up! Life is a gift from God. When we start to play "god" we will fail and we will fail miserably. May God have mercy on us. Please do yourself a favor and watch the documentary Demographic Winter and it's sequel Demographic Bomb. We need to be informed about the dangers our population control policies present to us and our future offspring. The contraceptive mentality of our culture must be changed. Hearts and minds must be moved. In order for this to happen, people must be informed and know the facts. I think most people have their heart in the right place, but we have been deceived by so called "experts" who have tried to convince us what is best for us. We are in a spiritual battle. The culture of death is strong, but I trust in God and have faith that eventually the culture of life will prevail. Please share this post with friends and family. Many are simply ignorant of the actual long term effects of the actions we make today. I am so thankful for my beautiful daughter and am hopeful that God will bless me with more children. When I think about what kind of legacy I want to leave when my time on earth is up, I would like to say that my children are my legacy. There would be no greater legacy than that. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a couple minutes and watch the trailer below of the documentary Demographic Bomb. I love you all. As fearful and troubling as this crisis sounds, never fall into despair. God loves you and he will take care of you. Keep the faith. God bless you!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Political Endorsements - 2010 Governor Races
Below are the 10 most important races for governor in my mind. I have listed my endorsements based primarily on the candidates' positions on pro-family and pro-life issues. Most of these races are closely contested by pro-abortion opponents. If the pro-life leaders in these 10 races win, our country and specifically these states will be headed in the right direction.
2010 Governor Races
AR – Jim Keet (R) – Jim Keet is a a strong pro-life and pro-family candidate. He is in favor of repealing and replacing Obamacare. He has also received the endorsement of Mike Huckabee.
CO – Tom Tancredo (I) – Tom Tancredo is running as an American Constitutionalist Party member. He is strongly pro-life and is supportive of the personhood amendment 62. He is the best chance to beat pro-abortion candidate John Hickenlooper.
FL – Rick Scott (R) – Rick Scott has received an endorsement from Florida right to life. Below are some of his responses to the issue of abortion. "I am pro-life. I believe strongly in the sanctity of human life. I believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and as governor, would appoint judges who apply law and not impose their political agenda on the people, which was what was done in 1973 when Roe was wrongly decided," he says in an audio file on his web site. "As governor, I would have signed the pro-life ultrasound legislation that has passed both house of the Florida legislature and was vetoed by Charlie Crist for political reasons," he said. "This important legislation not only demonstrates that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life but also prevents Florida taxpayers from funding abortion through the federal health care plan that recently passed Congress."
GA – Nathan Deal (R) – Nathan is a conservative that is strongly pro-life and pro-family. His main opponent in the race Roy Barnes had his chance as governor a decade ago and he was a disaster. Nathan Deal has been endorsed by the Georgia Right to Life and Mike Huckabee.
IL – Bill Brady (R) – Bill Brady received a 100% rating and an endorsement from the Illinois Federation for Right to life. His Democrat opponent is pro-abortion. The race is close so if you live in Illinois, make sure to go out and vote for Bill Brady on Nov. 2nd. I feel for the people in Illinois because in the race for senator, both the republican and democrat are pro-abortion, social liberals. I’m afraid there is no good choice for senate, but at least the people of Illinois can make the right choice for governor.
KS – Sam Brownback (R) – Sam is a good Catholic man with strong pro-family and pro-life beliefs and policies. It is an easy decision in Kansas.
MN – Tom Emmer (R) – Tom Emmer is the pro-family, pro-life candidate for governor in the state of Minnesota. With only a couple weeks from Election Day, Emmer is only slightly behind pro abortion democrat Mark Dayton in the polls.
NM – Suzanna Martinez (R) - Martinez has been recommended by Right to Life New Mexico as a candidate who will stand up for pro-life principles. Her opponent in the race for governor is actively pro-abortion. In a statement, SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said, "As a district attorney, Susana Martinez has worked to protect children and families while Diane Denish, an honorary board member of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), opposes commonsense parental notification laws which ensure that parents are notified if their underage daughter seeks an abortion."
NY – Carl Paladino (R) – Carl Paladino has been the victim of some vicious attacks during his run for governor. He has had some personal struggles in the past and he isn't the most eloquent speaker, but his beliefs and policies are very pro-family and pro-life. His opponent is fiercely pro-abortion. The following is a statement on Carl Paladino’s website regarding his position on abortion. “I was born and raised a Catholic and have always believed in the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life. I believe the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. At its core, abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life - especially the abhorrent practice of partial birth abortion. I oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and, as Governor, I will not fund organizations which advocate the procedure. I also support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life.” He is a long shot to win the nomination, but anything is possible.
OH – John Kasich (R) – John Kasich has been endorsed by Ohio right to life as well as Mike Huckabee. The following is a quote from the head of Ohio Right to Life. "John Kasich had an outstanding pro-life voting record during his career in Congress," he said. "His running mate, Mary Taylor, is an articulate advocate of the right to life movement. As Governor and Lt. Governor, they will reflect the common sense and common decency of the people of Ohio." Kasich’s democrat opponent has compiled a pro-abortion record as Governor of Ohio.
2010 Governor Races
AR – Jim Keet (R) – Jim Keet is a a strong pro-life and pro-family candidate. He is in favor of repealing and replacing Obamacare. He has also received the endorsement of Mike Huckabee.
CO – Tom Tancredo (I) – Tom Tancredo is running as an American Constitutionalist Party member. He is strongly pro-life and is supportive of the personhood amendment 62. He is the best chance to beat pro-abortion candidate John Hickenlooper.
FL – Rick Scott (R) – Rick Scott has received an endorsement from Florida right to life. Below are some of his responses to the issue of abortion. "I am pro-life. I believe strongly in the sanctity of human life. I believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and as governor, would appoint judges who apply law and not impose their political agenda on the people, which was what was done in 1973 when Roe was wrongly decided," he says in an audio file on his web site. "As governor, I would have signed the pro-life ultrasound legislation that has passed both house of the Florida legislature and was vetoed by Charlie Crist for political reasons," he said. "This important legislation not only demonstrates that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life but also prevents Florida taxpayers from funding abortion through the federal health care plan that recently passed Congress."
GA – Nathan Deal (R) – Nathan is a conservative that is strongly pro-life and pro-family. His main opponent in the race Roy Barnes had his chance as governor a decade ago and he was a disaster. Nathan Deal has been endorsed by the Georgia Right to Life and Mike Huckabee.
IL – Bill Brady (R) – Bill Brady received a 100% rating and an endorsement from the Illinois Federation for Right to life. His Democrat opponent is pro-abortion. The race is close so if you live in Illinois, make sure to go out and vote for Bill Brady on Nov. 2nd. I feel for the people in Illinois because in the race for senator, both the republican and democrat are pro-abortion, social liberals. I’m afraid there is no good choice for senate, but at least the people of Illinois can make the right choice for governor.
KS – Sam Brownback (R) – Sam is a good Catholic man with strong pro-family and pro-life beliefs and policies. It is an easy decision in Kansas.
MN – Tom Emmer (R) – Tom Emmer is the pro-family, pro-life candidate for governor in the state of Minnesota. With only a couple weeks from Election Day, Emmer is only slightly behind pro abortion democrat Mark Dayton in the polls.
NM – Suzanna Martinez (R) - Martinez has been recommended by Right to Life New Mexico as a candidate who will stand up for pro-life principles. Her opponent in the race for governor is actively pro-abortion. In a statement, SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said, "As a district attorney, Susana Martinez has worked to protect children and families while Diane Denish, an honorary board member of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), opposes commonsense parental notification laws which ensure that parents are notified if their underage daughter seeks an abortion."
NY – Carl Paladino (R) – Carl Paladino has been the victim of some vicious attacks during his run for governor. He has had some personal struggles in the past and he isn't the most eloquent speaker, but his beliefs and policies are very pro-family and pro-life. His opponent is fiercely pro-abortion. The following is a statement on Carl Paladino’s website regarding his position on abortion. “I was born and raised a Catholic and have always believed in the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life. I believe the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. At its core, abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life - especially the abhorrent practice of partial birth abortion. I oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and, as Governor, I will not fund organizations which advocate the procedure. I also support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life.” He is a long shot to win the nomination, but anything is possible.
OH – John Kasich (R) – John Kasich has been endorsed by Ohio right to life as well as Mike Huckabee. The following is a quote from the head of Ohio Right to Life. "John Kasich had an outstanding pro-life voting record during his career in Congress," he said. "His running mate, Mary Taylor, is an articulate advocate of the right to life movement. As Governor and Lt. Governor, they will reflect the common sense and common decency of the people of Ohio." Kasich’s democrat opponent has compiled a pro-abortion record as Governor of Ohio.
Bill Brady,
Carl Paladino,
Jim Keet,
John Kasich,
Nathan Deal,
Rick Scott,
Sam Brownback,
Suzanna Martinez,
Tom Emmer,
Tom Tancredo
Friday, October 15, 2010
Attention Colorado Voters: Vote YES to Amendment 62!
Below is a link to a debate regarding Amendment 62. Life begins at conception. Every life deserves the God given right to life.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Remember Bart Stupak?
Below is an email I recently received from CatholicVote.com. I felt I had to share. I am hoping and praying that Michigan voters will replace Bart Stupak with a faithful Catholic man who will vote pro-life and not just talk as if he's pro-life and then fold under pressure. Actions speak far louder than words.
Dear CatholicVote Friend,
The race to replace retiring Rep. Bart Stupak is really heating up.
You remember Stupak. He claimed he would fight until the end to keep a ban on abortion funding in the health care bill. We stood up for him, and he abandoned us. Worse, he went to the House floor and attacked you for being a “hypocrite.”
But that’s not the end of the story.
Just last week, Bart Stupak endorsed his protégé Gary McDowell and pledged to do everything he can to elect him. And like Stupak, McDowell supports the health care bill as is. This law, remember, contains flimsy protections against taxpayer funding of abortion and no conscience protections to protect the rights of doctors and health care workers.
Here’s an idea – let’s replace Stupak with a principled and courageous Catholic doctor who knows the harm Stupak has done!
A pro-life Catholic physician has decided to take on Stupak’s hand-picked successor. His name is Dr. Dan Benishek, a pro-life Catholic surgeon who understands our health care system inside and out. He has proudly said, “From conception to natural death, all human life is sacred and must be protected.” Dr. Benishek wants to repeal the health care law.
Dr. Benishek is one of our 2010 CatholicVote.org featured endorsements, and right now is polling even with McDowell!
We’re preparing an avalanche of radio ads in this district.
Can we count on your help to put them on the air?
Bart Stupak let us down, but we won’t forget. Votes have consequences.
Help us send a strong message.
Donate here: https://www.catholicvote.org/index.php?/site/donation/&amount=&tp=c4
Brian Burch
CatholicVote Civic Action
P.S. Dr. Dan Benishek is the kind of pro-life doctor we need in Congress.
He recently said, “We need to focus on free market reforms, which will increase competition and decrease costs. A good place to start would be to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with a bill allowing health insurance to be tax deductible, portable, and sold across state lines."
Help us fill the airwaves in northern Michigan with new radio ads from CatholicVote.org!
CatholicVote.org Civic Action
P.O. Box 2709
Chicago, IL 60690
Dear CatholicVote Friend,
The race to replace retiring Rep. Bart Stupak is really heating up.
You remember Stupak. He claimed he would fight until the end to keep a ban on abortion funding in the health care bill. We stood up for him, and he abandoned us. Worse, he went to the House floor and attacked you for being a “hypocrite.”
But that’s not the end of the story.
Just last week, Bart Stupak endorsed his protégé Gary McDowell and pledged to do everything he can to elect him. And like Stupak, McDowell supports the health care bill as is. This law, remember, contains flimsy protections against taxpayer funding of abortion and no conscience protections to protect the rights of doctors and health care workers.
Here’s an idea – let’s replace Stupak with a principled and courageous Catholic doctor who knows the harm Stupak has done!
A pro-life Catholic physician has decided to take on Stupak’s hand-picked successor. His name is Dr. Dan Benishek, a pro-life Catholic surgeon who understands our health care system inside and out. He has proudly said, “From conception to natural death, all human life is sacred and must be protected.” Dr. Benishek wants to repeal the health care law.
Dr. Benishek is one of our 2010 CatholicVote.org featured endorsements, and right now is polling even with McDowell!
We’re preparing an avalanche of radio ads in this district.
Can we count on your help to put them on the air?
Bart Stupak let us down, but we won’t forget. Votes have consequences.
Help us send a strong message.
Donate here: https://www.catholicvote.org/index.php?/site/donation/&amount=&tp=c4
Brian Burch
CatholicVote Civic Action
P.S. Dr. Dan Benishek is the kind of pro-life doctor we need in Congress.
He recently said, “We need to focus on free market reforms, which will increase competition and decrease costs. A good place to start would be to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with a bill allowing health insurance to be tax deductible, portable, and sold across state lines."
Help us fill the airwaves in northern Michigan with new radio ads from CatholicVote.org!
CatholicVote.org Civic Action
P.O. Box 2709
Chicago, IL 60690
Friday, October 1, 2010
Political Endorsements - 2010 U.S. Senate
As citizens of the great nation of the United States, it is our duty and responsibility to vote in elections. This is one way where we can make our voices heard; by electing candidates who represent our values. The primary election this November is very important. It is critical that we elect men and women who will block some of the radical anti-life, anti-family policies of this White House administration and get our country back on the right track. When deciding who to endorse, although I am a registered Republican, I do not look at the political party as a deciding factor. I only endorse those people I believe share my values and are of high moral character. Not all issues are of equal weight. In order to gain an endorsement from me, the candidate must be a strong pro-life and pro-family advocate. These social issues take priority for me when deciding who to vote for, but I also consider other important issues. I believe that the best way to govern is for limited government control where the power rests with the people. The government is there to protect and serve the people. I believe in an economic policy that lowers taxes and reduces spending so that working Americans can keep more of the money they earn and spend their money how they see best. I know how to spend my money better than the government. This is not to say that we should ignore the poor, many of whom want to find work but simply cannot. Not all poor people are lazy just as not all rich people are hard working. I believe that the best way to serve the poor is to give them opportunities to work themselves out of poverty. Also, local charities specialize in meeting the needs of the poor, and do a much better job of it than the government ever would or could. I worry about our national debt which is a national security risk and it is also a growing burden on us and future generations. As for immigration, I believe that it is imperative that we strengthen the security of our boarders and we reform our immigration policies. I am not supportive of an amnesty for illegal aliens, but I believe that we must find a compassionate solution to the problem of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants may not be privileged to all the rights of an American citizen, but they still deserve to be treated humanely and respectfully. I am a registered Republican, but I don’t necessarily agree with all of the policies on the Republican platform. Many Republicans are strongly in favor of the death penalty, which I don’t believe is necessary in most cases. Many Republicans also believe that the best national defense is an aggressive war agenda. Although I fully support our troops and believe they are doing good work in promoting freedom, I don’t believe that war is always the best answer to solve a problem or the only way toward peace. When I vote, I vote for who I think will best represent the Christian values necessary to be a great leader. I hope to vote for people with character who are not afraid to take a strong moral stand on important issues regardless of the political ramifications. Respect for life, family and freedoms are the most important issues to me, and they are the most important qualities I look for in a politician or any person for that matter. Although no politician is perfect, I feel it is my responsibility to endorse and support those candidates that I feel best represent Christian values. It is necessary to elect good people to further promote a culture of life. After some research and time of reflection, below are a few candidates I endorse in the 2010 Senate primary election in November.
U.S Senate
Marco Rubio - Florida
I have heard Marco talk. I have seen his confidence, composure and clear vision for Florida and America. He has faith in the American people. I have read about his inspiring story. He is a strong and faithful Catholic man. He is strongly pro-life and pro-family and has exposed his opponents’ weaknesses in these most critical issues. For Florida voters, the choice for whom to vote for Senator this November is an easy one. Vote for Marco Rubio!
Joe Miller – Alaska
Joe Miller is the pro-life candidate in the state of Alaska. In August, the underdog Miller defeated pro-choice Republican Lisa Murkowski. Now Murkowski isn’t accepting defeat and is pushing a write-in campaign. Joe Miller is a West Point graduate who has experience serving the country and being a leader. Please join me in supporting the true conservative, pro-family/pro-life candidate in Alaska, Joe Miller.
Sharron Angle – Nevada
“Many people will mistakenly assume that the CatholicVote.org PAC is exclusively for Catholic candidates. Not true! Sharon Angle is a Southern Baptist, but her defense of life, marriage, and her understanding of the proper role of government has convinced us that Catholics have a friend in Sharron Angle,” said Brian Burch, President of CatholicVote.org PAC
Carly Fiorina – California
Carly is not my favorite candidate, but she is far better than the alternative in California, extremely liberal senator Barbara Boxer. How could anyone forget this exchange with former PA Senator and pro-life advocate Rick Santorum? Carly will uphold pro-life values and promote fiscal responsibility in a state that has huge debt and is in severe financial crisis. Carly has received endorsements from the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, Sarah Palin, and a number of other respected pro-family/pro-life conservatives.
All of these candidates happen to be Republican, but unfortunately in the current political climate it is rare to find a pro-life democrat. All of the opponents in the races listed above are not pro-life, and have a history of a voting record that is not consistent with the culture of life values we so desperately need. Please consider lending your support to one or all of these candidates, and if you live in their district make sure you go out and vote for the pro-life candidate in November. I will list endorsements for the House of Representatives and Governor of Georgia in my next post. There are several other great candidates that are worthy of endorsements, but I am trying to focus on those races I believe to be a tossup or most important or those candidates that I really believe to be exceptional. Without question, my favorite candidate in this list is Marco Rubio. If you haven’t heard or seen him talk, do yourself a favor and visit his website. I like everything about him, and I believe he will win easily in November. He is an inspiring figure, and his message of American exceptionalism and his positive results oriented ideas are just what this country needs. In this most critical time, keep all our civil, political, and religious leaders in your prayers. God bless America!
U.S Senate
Marco Rubio - Florida
I have heard Marco talk. I have seen his confidence, composure and clear vision for Florida and America. He has faith in the American people. I have read about his inspiring story. He is a strong and faithful Catholic man. He is strongly pro-life and pro-family and has exposed his opponents’ weaknesses in these most critical issues. For Florida voters, the choice for whom to vote for Senator this November is an easy one. Vote for Marco Rubio!
Joe Miller – Alaska
Joe Miller is the pro-life candidate in the state of Alaska. In August, the underdog Miller defeated pro-choice Republican Lisa Murkowski. Now Murkowski isn’t accepting defeat and is pushing a write-in campaign. Joe Miller is a West Point graduate who has experience serving the country and being a leader. Please join me in supporting the true conservative, pro-family/pro-life candidate in Alaska, Joe Miller.
Sharron Angle – Nevada
“Many people will mistakenly assume that the CatholicVote.org PAC is exclusively for Catholic candidates. Not true! Sharon Angle is a Southern Baptist, but her defense of life, marriage, and her understanding of the proper role of government has convinced us that Catholics have a friend in Sharron Angle,” said Brian Burch, President of CatholicVote.org PAC
Carly Fiorina – California
Carly is not my favorite candidate, but she is far better than the alternative in California, extremely liberal senator Barbara Boxer. How could anyone forget this exchange with former PA Senator and pro-life advocate Rick Santorum? Carly will uphold pro-life values and promote fiscal responsibility in a state that has huge debt and is in severe financial crisis. Carly has received endorsements from the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, Sarah Palin, and a number of other respected pro-family/pro-life conservatives.
All of these candidates happen to be Republican, but unfortunately in the current political climate it is rare to find a pro-life democrat. All of the opponents in the races listed above are not pro-life, and have a history of a voting record that is not consistent with the culture of life values we so desperately need. Please consider lending your support to one or all of these candidates, and if you live in their district make sure you go out and vote for the pro-life candidate in November. I will list endorsements for the House of Representatives and Governor of Georgia in my next post. There are several other great candidates that are worthy of endorsements, but I am trying to focus on those races I believe to be a tossup or most important or those candidates that I really believe to be exceptional. Without question, my favorite candidate in this list is Marco Rubio. If you haven’t heard or seen him talk, do yourself a favor and visit his website. I like everything about him, and I believe he will win easily in November. He is an inspiring figure, and his message of American exceptionalism and his positive results oriented ideas are just what this country needs. In this most critical time, keep all our civil, political, and religious leaders in your prayers. God bless America!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Day of Victories at Governor's Ridge
The account below is given by Sarita, who is a wonderful pro-life warrior. At the bottom of the post is a picture of me with two other women from St. Michael's who are also members of the Respect Life Committee. Also below is the beautiful poster of the virgin Mary which our committee bought last year. The other picture is of a woman who came to the abortion facility over a year ago with the idea of getting an abortion but she changed her mind. What a wonderful choice she made. Look how cute her girl is!
Today was certainly a Day of Victories at Governor's Ridge, by the Grace of God!
In spite of the fact that most of the Hispanic Community of St. Thomas was attending a retreat out of town, the Lord still provided us with 44 prayer warriors, representing a variety of cultural backgrounds, as well as Protestant and Catholic church affiliations. All were united prayer in defense of Life, so much so that the enemy was very angry and tried to intimidate us. Someone (we suspect it was the abortion clinic) called the police and falsely told them there were people running up to the cars and harrassing the drivers. Out of the blue, three patrol cars showed up, and I ran to see what was the matter. The officers asked if I was with the group, and I said yes, and they told me about the allegation. I very cheerfuly denied it, assuring the officers we had all been very peacefully praying, like they know we always do, and that there were children with us. They believed me, and said they have to follow up on any complaints, that we were within our rights to pray peacefully, and that they didn't know who had called in the complaint. Then two of the patrol cars drove off, and the third officer watched us pray for a short time and then left too: The Lord's Victory Number One.
Not long after that, our honored guest of the day arrived: the Lord's Victory Number Two. It was Latina, the beautiful African-American mother who chose Life at this very clinic last year and now brought her nine-month-old little Chelsea to participate with her in the prayer vigil. Chelsea is the most powerful sign that can be shown to any mother entering or leaving the clinic area. She is so precious! I have attached pictures of her and her mother. Latina told us about the day she chose not to abort little Chelsea, after seeing our large sign of an 8-week-old baby in the womb. Chelsea was about that far along in the womb at that time.
That sign didn't get photographed today, as it had already been taken home when I started taking pictures. But it was present at the clinic long enough today to have been the instrument of the Lord's Victory Number Three. An African-American couple, who was probably the last one scheduled for an abortion today, pulled up to the light to turn into Governor's Ridge. Our Hispanic group began to wave their signs, especially the big one of the 8-week-old baby in the womb. The man, who was driving, tried to cover his face with his cap, in order not to have to look at that sign. When the light turned green, the couple drove into the complex, but then they paused, just inside the entrance. Afterwards they turned and drove through the complex and out one of the exits, leaving without ever going to the clinic. We feel sure they chose Life for their baby because of the prayers and the sign. Please pray for them, that they persevere in their decision for Life, and that they joyfully discover God's provision for all their needs, as Latina did.
Latina and her baby's father, who is Caucasian, are attending a church regularly now, along with her two teenage daughters. The are engaged to be married, and she testifies that the secret to making the right decisions in life is for the Lord to have First Place in one's Life. I heartlily agree. It is His love that impells us to reach out to these mothers at Governor's Ridge.
Please pray for all who have joined us to continue to make that sacrifice, and pray that others may be added to their numbers. Our prayerful presence may cause a mother to change her mind and keep her baby.
In Christ for Life....Sarita
Dear brothers and sisters,
Today was certainly a Day of Victories at Governor's Ridge, by the Grace of God!
In spite of the fact that most of the Hispanic Community of St. Thomas was attending a retreat out of town, the Lord still provided us with 44 prayer warriors, representing a variety of cultural backgrounds, as well as Protestant and Catholic church affiliations. All were united prayer in defense of Life, so much so that the enemy was very angry and tried to intimidate us. Someone (we suspect it was the abortion clinic) called the police and falsely told them there were people running up to the cars and harrassing the drivers. Out of the blue, three patrol cars showed up, and I ran to see what was the matter. The officers asked if I was with the group, and I said yes, and they told me about the allegation. I very cheerfuly denied it, assuring the officers we had all been very peacefully praying, like they know we always do, and that there were children with us. They believed me, and said they have to follow up on any complaints, that we were within our rights to pray peacefully, and that they didn't know who had called in the complaint. Then two of the patrol cars drove off, and the third officer watched us pray for a short time and then left too: The Lord's Victory Number One.
Not long after that, our honored guest of the day arrived: the Lord's Victory Number Two. It was Latina, the beautiful African-American mother who chose Life at this very clinic last year and now brought her nine-month-old little Chelsea to participate with her in the prayer vigil. Chelsea is the most powerful sign that can be shown to any mother entering or leaving the clinic area. She is so precious! I have attached pictures of her and her mother. Latina told us about the day she chose not to abort little Chelsea, after seeing our large sign of an 8-week-old baby in the womb. Chelsea was about that far along in the womb at that time.
That sign didn't get photographed today, as it had already been taken home when I started taking pictures. But it was present at the clinic long enough today to have been the instrument of the Lord's Victory Number Three. An African-American couple, who was probably the last one scheduled for an abortion today, pulled up to the light to turn into Governor's Ridge. Our Hispanic group began to wave their signs, especially the big one of the 8-week-old baby in the womb. The man, who was driving, tried to cover his face with his cap, in order not to have to look at that sign. When the light turned green, the couple drove into the complex, but then they paused, just inside the entrance. Afterwards they turned and drove through the complex and out one of the exits, leaving without ever going to the clinic. We feel sure they chose Life for their baby because of the prayers and the sign. Please pray for them, that they persevere in their decision for Life, and that they joyfully discover God's provision for all their needs, as Latina did.
Latina and her baby's father, who is Caucasian, are attending a church regularly now, along with her two teenage daughters. The are engaged to be married, and she testifies that the secret to making the right decisions in life is for the Lord to have First Place in one's Life. I heartlily agree. It is His love that impells us to reach out to these mothers at Governor's Ridge.
Please pray for all who have joined us to continue to make that sacrifice, and pray that others may be added to their numbers. Our prayerful presence may cause a mother to change her mind and keep her baby.
In Christ for Life....Sarita
Thursday, September 16, 2010
September Respect Life Committee Updates
Silence on Contraception has Caused Confusion Among Many Catholics
Silence from the clergy on the issue of contraception is in large part to blame for why a majority of Catholics use contraception despite the practice going against church teaching. It is not only the responsibility of the Church hierarchy, but also the lay faithful to speak up about the immorality of artificial contraception and to practice what they teach. While understanding that this is a delicate subject, we must explain to those who do not understand why the Church considers this practice sinful because this is the charitable thing to do. We must also express the great joy and freedom that natural family planning offers to married couples. People are generally more open to listening to a positive message, and a marriage where spouses love and respect each other so much that they are willing to give of themselves completely is a positive message. People need to know that the divorce rate among couples who actively practice natural family planning is around 1% as opposed to the over 50% average. These are the positive messages that people really need to hear. We will never win the battle against abortion if we don’t also address the problem of widespread use of artificial contraception.
“Catholics for Equality” Promotes Dissension From Church Teaching on Homosexuality
Another so called “Catholic” group is promoting an agenda contrary to the Catholic Church. The newly formed group, Catholics for Equality, is promoting homosexual political agendas and is openly critical of Catholic bishops and the teachings of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. Although the issue of “gay marriage” is not generally thought of as a pro-life issue, I believe that all controversial moral issues are worthy of mention when talking about pro life. This is especially true with the issue of protecting the sacrament of marriage, because it is through marriage that procreation is designed to take place.
Embryonic Stem Cell Funding Ban on Hold
Pro-life groups were pleasantly surprised a couple weeks ago when a judge ruled to ban federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. However, President Obama and his aides have appealed the ruling and there has now been a temporary hold on the decision. Pray that the judge’s decision will be upheld and that our tax dollars will not go toward destruction of human embryos.
40 Days For Life Kick-off Rally This Saturday
When – Saturday, September 18th : Vigil begins at 6:00 AM. Rally begins at 9:00 AM.
Where – In front of the abortion mill at Governor’s Ridge. Park in the empty strip mall at the southwest corner of Delk Road and Powers Ferry Road.
Directions - Address: 1640 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta
Take Windy Hill Road, going east, to Powers Ferry Road, crossing over I-75.
At Powers Ferry Road, turn left (north).
The first traffic light you encounter will be directly in front of the Governor’s Ridge office complex, which will be on your left. (Do not turn into the complex. We are not allowed to park there.)
Continue on Powers Ferry Road, passing a fire station. After the fire station you will see Kims Care Kleaners and a huge parking lot.
Park and walk back to Governor’s Ridge.
Rules - Stay on the sidewalk, and do not step on the grass behind the sidewalk. Do not stand in the driveways that enter and exit the complex, or stand on the islands at the main entrance. Leave room for joggers to pass freely. Do not enter the complex.
You need not talk to anyone. You may pray out loud or silently. The Rosary is a suggested prayer that is very powerful.
You may make your own sign (preferably laminated, since it might rain), or we can lend you one, until they run out.
We suggest you bring a vigil candle if you are going to be praying before it is light. On Saturdays, the busiest day for abortions, the women start arriving before 6am, so if you have a candle, they can see you are praying for them. You may save a life!
Children are welcome, but need supervision. Powers Ferry Road is a busy street.
More Information
You can sign up for a time slot on the vigil calendar on the local 40 days for life website.
Please urge others to join us. Innocent lives are at stake.
Respect Life Meeting
We will have our monthly meeting on Monday, September 20th. Plan on meeting in Conference Room B. We will have several issues to discuss so I hope many of you will be able to attend.
Prayer Vigil
Our monthly prayer vigil will be Saturday, September 25th. We will meet at 8:00 AM at St. Michael’s and carpool over to Governor’s Ridge. Since abortion appointments are being scheduled earlier, we may want to consider going back to the original schedule of meeting at 7:00 AM, but at least for this month we will meet at 8:00 AM. The 4o Days for Life Campaign will have already started, so I’m really hoping for a big crowd next Saturday.
God bless,
Silence from the clergy on the issue of contraception is in large part to blame for why a majority of Catholics use contraception despite the practice going against church teaching. It is not only the responsibility of the Church hierarchy, but also the lay faithful to speak up about the immorality of artificial contraception and to practice what they teach. While understanding that this is a delicate subject, we must explain to those who do not understand why the Church considers this practice sinful because this is the charitable thing to do. We must also express the great joy and freedom that natural family planning offers to married couples. People are generally more open to listening to a positive message, and a marriage where spouses love and respect each other so much that they are willing to give of themselves completely is a positive message. People need to know that the divorce rate among couples who actively practice natural family planning is around 1% as opposed to the over 50% average. These are the positive messages that people really need to hear. We will never win the battle against abortion if we don’t also address the problem of widespread use of artificial contraception.
“Catholics for Equality” Promotes Dissension From Church Teaching on Homosexuality
Another so called “Catholic” group is promoting an agenda contrary to the Catholic Church. The newly formed group, Catholics for Equality, is promoting homosexual political agendas and is openly critical of Catholic bishops and the teachings of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. Although the issue of “gay marriage” is not generally thought of as a pro-life issue, I believe that all controversial moral issues are worthy of mention when talking about pro life. This is especially true with the issue of protecting the sacrament of marriage, because it is through marriage that procreation is designed to take place.
Embryonic Stem Cell Funding Ban on Hold
Pro-life groups were pleasantly surprised a couple weeks ago when a judge ruled to ban federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. However, President Obama and his aides have appealed the ruling and there has now been a temporary hold on the decision. Pray that the judge’s decision will be upheld and that our tax dollars will not go toward destruction of human embryos.
40 Days For Life Kick-off Rally This Saturday
When – Saturday, September 18th : Vigil begins at 6:00 AM. Rally begins at 9:00 AM.
Where – In front of the abortion mill at Governor’s Ridge. Park in the empty strip mall at the southwest corner of Delk Road and Powers Ferry Road.
Directions - Address: 1640 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta
Take Windy Hill Road, going east, to Powers Ferry Road, crossing over I-75.
At Powers Ferry Road, turn left (north).
The first traffic light you encounter will be directly in front of the Governor’s Ridge office complex, which will be on your left. (Do not turn into the complex. We are not allowed to park there.)
Continue on Powers Ferry Road, passing a fire station. After the fire station you will see Kims Care Kleaners and a huge parking lot.
Park and walk back to Governor’s Ridge.
Rules - Stay on the sidewalk, and do not step on the grass behind the sidewalk. Do not stand in the driveways that enter and exit the complex, or stand on the islands at the main entrance. Leave room for joggers to pass freely. Do not enter the complex.
You need not talk to anyone. You may pray out loud or silently. The Rosary is a suggested prayer that is very powerful.
You may make your own sign (preferably laminated, since it might rain), or we can lend you one, until they run out.
We suggest you bring a vigil candle if you are going to be praying before it is light. On Saturdays, the busiest day for abortions, the women start arriving before 6am, so if you have a candle, they can see you are praying for them. You may save a life!
Children are welcome, but need supervision. Powers Ferry Road is a busy street.
More Information
You can sign up for a time slot on the vigil calendar on the local 40 days for life website.
Please urge others to join us. Innocent lives are at stake.
Respect Life Meeting
We will have our monthly meeting on Monday, September 20th. Plan on meeting in Conference Room B. We will have several issues to discuss so I hope many of you will be able to attend.
Prayer Vigil
Our monthly prayer vigil will be Saturday, September 25th. We will meet at 8:00 AM at St. Michael’s and carpool over to Governor’s Ridge. Since abortion appointments are being scheduled earlier, we may want to consider going back to the original schedule of meeting at 7:00 AM, but at least for this month we will meet at 8:00 AM. The 4o Days for Life Campaign will have already started, so I’m really hoping for a big crowd next Saturday.
God bless,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Does God Have a Plan for Your Life?
*The following is a 2001 quote from famous musician Dave Matthews.*
"It would be safe to say that I'm agnostic. However, I do feel as though we owe a faith to the world and to ourselves. We owe a grace and gratitude to things that have brought us here. But I think it's very ignorant to say, "Well, for everything, God has a plan." That's like an excuse. ... Maybe the real faithful act is to commit to something, to take action, as opposed to saying, "Well, everything is in the hand of God." – Dave Matthews to the Boston Globe Mar. 4, 2001
I am a big fan of Dave Matthew’s music, but I don’t sign up to his religious views. I believe in God. I believe Jesus Christ died for us so that we might have eternal life. However, I think Dave Matthews makes a valid point when he says that people who use the phrase ‘God has a plan’ as an excuse are ignorant. We must not use the phrase “God has a plan” as an excuse. God’s plan for us is to love. He desires that we love Him above all things. We should also love our neighbor and ourselves. We all have been given the gift of free will. This is a gift given by God that distinguishes the human race from other animals. This free will means that we have the choice to choose between good and evil. So when we choose evil is this just part of God’s plan? Absolutely not! God is all good and everything he created is good. Our choices are ours and ours alone. When we do good deeds the Holy Spirit may be working within us, but the good deed requires us to listen to the Holy Spirit and take action. It is ultimately our choice. On the flip side, the devil may tempt us to do evil but at the end of the day the choice is ours. We should not blame our sinful actions on the devil. God is not interested in excuses. God can make good out of all situations, meaning that no matter what the situation there may be or how that situation came about, some good will occur if we appropriately respond to that situation. However, this does not mean that every situation is His plan. When we sin, it was not God’s plan but rather our denial of the plan He has for us. When we sin we should not try to explain it away, but acknowledge our sinfulness and actively work to rid those sinful acts from our life. To be a faithful Christian is more than just believing in Jesus, it means to have faith in Him and do good works. It means that we recognize our sinfulness and we are constantly striving to rid ourselves of our sinful ways so that we may become more like Him. We do this best though prayer and the Sacraments. We must use our talents to glorify God. To be Christian does not mean that we sit on the sidelines and watch the action. We must be in the game. When we live according to God’s plan which is love, we will win and God will smile. God’s plan is love. Go and live according to His plan.
God bless,
"It would be safe to say that I'm agnostic. However, I do feel as though we owe a faith to the world and to ourselves. We owe a grace and gratitude to things that have brought us here. But I think it's very ignorant to say, "Well, for everything, God has a plan." That's like an excuse. ... Maybe the real faithful act is to commit to something, to take action, as opposed to saying, "Well, everything is in the hand of God." – Dave Matthews to the Boston Globe Mar. 4, 2001
I am a big fan of Dave Matthew’s music, but I don’t sign up to his religious views. I believe in God. I believe Jesus Christ died for us so that we might have eternal life. However, I think Dave Matthews makes a valid point when he says that people who use the phrase ‘God has a plan’ as an excuse are ignorant. We must not use the phrase “God has a plan” as an excuse. God’s plan for us is to love. He desires that we love Him above all things. We should also love our neighbor and ourselves. We all have been given the gift of free will. This is a gift given by God that distinguishes the human race from other animals. This free will means that we have the choice to choose between good and evil. So when we choose evil is this just part of God’s plan? Absolutely not! God is all good and everything he created is good. Our choices are ours and ours alone. When we do good deeds the Holy Spirit may be working within us, but the good deed requires us to listen to the Holy Spirit and take action. It is ultimately our choice. On the flip side, the devil may tempt us to do evil but at the end of the day the choice is ours. We should not blame our sinful actions on the devil. God is not interested in excuses. God can make good out of all situations, meaning that no matter what the situation there may be or how that situation came about, some good will occur if we appropriately respond to that situation. However, this does not mean that every situation is His plan. When we sin, it was not God’s plan but rather our denial of the plan He has for us. When we sin we should not try to explain it away, but acknowledge our sinfulness and actively work to rid those sinful acts from our life. To be a faithful Christian is more than just believing in Jesus, it means to have faith in Him and do good works. It means that we recognize our sinfulness and we are constantly striving to rid ourselves of our sinful ways so that we may become more like Him. We do this best though prayer and the Sacraments. We must use our talents to glorify God. To be Christian does not mean that we sit on the sidelines and watch the action. We must be in the game. When we live according to God’s plan which is love, we will win and God will smile. God’s plan is love. Go and live according to His plan.
God bless,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Father's Love Letter
The following was forwarded to me by a friend. It is so good that I had to share. God bless!
Father's Love Letter
My Child ~
You may not know me, but I know everything about you ~ Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up ~ Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways ~ Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered ~ Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image ~ Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being ~ Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring ~ Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived ~ Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation ~ Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book ~ Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live ~ Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made ~ Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb ~ Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born ~ Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me ~ John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love ~ 1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you ~ 1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your father ~ 1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could ~ Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father ~ Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand ~ James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs ~ Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love ~ Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore ~ Psalm 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing ~ Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you ~ Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession ~ Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul ~ Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things ~ Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me ~ Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart ~ Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires ~ Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine ~ Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you ~ Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart ~ Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes ~ Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth ~ Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus ~ John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed ~ John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being ~ Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you ~ Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you ~ 1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love ~ Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me ~ 1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again ~ Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen ~ Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father ~ Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is ~ Will you be my child? ~ John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you ~ Luke 15:11-3
Love, Your Dad, Almighty God
Father's Love Letter
My Child ~
You may not know me, but I know everything about you ~ Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up ~ Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways ~ Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered ~ Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image ~ Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being ~ Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring ~ Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived ~ Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation ~ Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book ~ Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live ~ Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made ~ Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb ~ Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born ~ Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me ~ John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love ~ 1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you ~ 1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your father ~ 1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could ~ Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father ~ Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand ~ James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs ~ Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love ~ Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore ~ Psalm 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing ~ Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you ~ Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession ~ Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul ~ Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things ~ Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me ~ Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart ~ Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires ~ Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine ~ Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you ~ Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart ~ Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes ~ Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth ~ Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus ~ John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed ~ John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being ~ Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you ~ Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you ~ 1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love ~ Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me ~ 1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again ~ Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen ~ Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father ~ Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is ~ Will you be my child? ~ John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you ~ Luke 15:11-3
Love, Your Dad, Almighty God
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Does Money Buy Happiness?
According to a report in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a person’s emotional well-being tends to increase with their income up to about $75,000. (Can Money Buy Happiness?)
This is an interesting report, but I am not surprised by the results. I definitely don’t think money buys happiness, but I can understand how a stable financial situation may make it a little easier to be happy so long as the person has their priorities straight. I think when people are falling on hard times, financial or otherwise, it’s easy to fall into despair and fear. $75,000/year is enough money to meet basic family needs such as clothing, food, and housing and provides a little cushion for some savings and nonessentials. However, there is no clear indication that people that make more than $75,000/year are any happier. In this culture which places so much importance on financial well-being and material things, sometimes the idea of what it means to be happy is misunderstood. A strong faith in God is the best and surest avenue to happiness if you ask me. A strong support system of family and friends is also a great comfort. A stable financial situation may help a person feel happy, but it is not the source of happiness.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord, thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have given me.
I know that all good things come from you. May I never lose sight
of what is important in this life. I know that You are the true source
of all happiness. May I never fall into despair and fear no matter what
sort of difficult circumstance comes my way. I trust in You Lord.
I know that You will provide me strength to overcome all obstacles
so long as I remain faithful to You. Look after all those who are poor.
May they find what they need to be able to take proper care of themselves
and their families. Inspire in those of us who have an abundance to
lovingly share our gifts with those less fortunate. In Jesus' name, Amen.
God bless!
This is an interesting report, but I am not surprised by the results. I definitely don’t think money buys happiness, but I can understand how a stable financial situation may make it a little easier to be happy so long as the person has their priorities straight. I think when people are falling on hard times, financial or otherwise, it’s easy to fall into despair and fear. $75,000/year is enough money to meet basic family needs such as clothing, food, and housing and provides a little cushion for some savings and nonessentials. However, there is no clear indication that people that make more than $75,000/year are any happier. In this culture which places so much importance on financial well-being and material things, sometimes the idea of what it means to be happy is misunderstood. A strong faith in God is the best and surest avenue to happiness if you ask me. A strong support system of family and friends is also a great comfort. A stable financial situation may help a person feel happy, but it is not the source of happiness.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord, thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have given me.
I know that all good things come from you. May I never lose sight
of what is important in this life. I know that You are the true source
of all happiness. May I never fall into despair and fear no matter what
sort of difficult circumstance comes my way. I trust in You Lord.
I know that You will provide me strength to overcome all obstacles
so long as I remain faithful to You. Look after all those who are poor.
May they find what they need to be able to take proper care of themselves
and their families. Inspire in those of us who have an abundance to
lovingly share our gifts with those less fortunate. In Jesus' name, Amen.
God bless!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer
Praise God for this praise report! Please continue to keep Pam, my aunt Mary, and all others who are suffering from cancer in your prayers.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Wiggles!
The Wiggles came to Gwinett Arena this weekend and my daughter Julie LOVES the Wiggles so of course we had to go see them. There were ALOT of kids and young families there. Below are a couple of short videos I took.
And another video...
And another video...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
An Interview With My Brother Steve: A Seminarian
My brother Steve recently came down to Georgia to visit me and the family. It was great to see him. His faith in God really does inspire me. I hope some of that great faith and love of God rubs off on me. Because I think many people are confused about the religious life and more specifically the priesthood, I wanted to interview my brother Steve, who is a seminarian, and ask him about his call to the priesthood. Priests don't grow on trees. They are regular down to earth guys just like my brother. Their decision to enter the priesthood and give up many of the pleasures of married life is a selfless act of submission to God's will. I hope you enjoy the interview and please keep my brother Steve in your prayers as he continues his journey toward the priesthood. Also, if you enjoyed this interview, please forward this link on to friends and family. Thank you and God bless!

Monday, August 2, 2010
Book Reflections: The Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Below are my reflections on The Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan: Mass Mobilization, Civil War & the Future of the Region
As mentioned in my reflections, this book is a little hard to read and there is some obvious bias in the book due to the fact that the author was an Afghan Mujahadeen fighter, but never the less this is an informative book that will give you a better understanding of the situation in Afghanistan as seen through the eyes of someone who grew up in Afghanistan.
As mentioned in my reflections, this book is a little hard to read and there is some obvious bias in the book due to the fact that the author was an Afghan Mujahadeen fighter, but never the less this is an informative book that will give you a better understanding of the situation in Afghanistan as seen through the eyes of someone who grew up in Afghanistan.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Blood Money Documentary
I just received my pre-ordered copy of the documentary Blood Money. This is a movie that people really need to see because it exposes the abortion industry for what it really is; an industry driven by financial greed, not compassion for women. Some of the revelations in this movie will probably shock you and I know it deeply saddend me. I will be setting up a meeting with the pastor at my church to see if we can have a showing of this movie at the parish hall. DVD's are now available at the website Blood Money Film.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
GRTL Uses Poor Analogy, But Handel is Still Not Worthy of Pro-Life Endorsement
Handel is firing back at Georgia Right to Life executives who have refused to endorse her because of some of her views on life issues. In a news story in Politico this week, GRTL PAC Executive Director Melanie Crozier questioned Palin’s endorsement of Handel and said that “[Palin] has a son with Down’s Syndrome, and under Karen Handel’s laws, Handel would have felt like it was ok to go in and abort that child.”
I feel like this was a poor analogy and wording by Melanie Crozier, but before everyone follows Handel's screams for Crozier's ouster, let's look at exactly what she said and consider the context in which she spoke. Melanie first simply pointed out a fact that Sarah Palin's son has Down's Syndrome. I see nothing wrong with that. Then she mention's "Karen Handel's laws." What is she talking about here? Well, in a life site news article written on June 3rd, Dan Becker, the Georgia Right to Life president, tells LifeNews.com, "Handel proclaims herself pro-life; however, she does not meet the 21st century demands of being pro-life. For instance, Handel believes that a child may be aborted based on its manner of conception. When I asked her directly her thoughts on the value of embryos, she answered that she does not believe that an embryonic human is a child," Becker said.
Karen Handel is supportive of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother. On the other hand, her competitor for Georgia governor makes the only exception in the case that the mother's life is in danger. Although Sarah Palin's pregnancy does not fit any of those exceptions, Handel's interpretation of the value of life is dependent on the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy. In cases of rape and incest, the health of the mother may not be in danger. What justification is there then for killing the baby? When people allow acceptions based on the circumstances it is not a far stretch to imagine that they soon too would accept killing babies that would also appear to be born under other difficult circumstances. Although I follow Melanie Crozier's logic, and agree with it, I think she definitely misspoke when trying to explain her position.
Full disclosure, I am supporting Nathan Deal in the GA republican race for governor because I do not trust Handel and her positions on the most important social issues: the protection of life and family. In addition to her views on abortion in cases of rape and incest, I have serious concerns about her apparent belief that a human embryo is not a child. I have a serious problem with her funding of programs through Planned Parenthood. I have serious questions about her dedication and resolve to protect the institution of marriage considering her support of gay group Log Cabin Republicans. I must note that Handel has since denied the claim about supporting Log Cabin Republicans, she has tried to explain her funding of Planned Parenthood (rather unsuccessfully I might add), and she continues to say she is "staunchly and unequivocally" pro-life.
The question is what and who do you trust. Honestly, I'm not sure I fully trust any politician, but I certainly don't trust Handel. She has run a campaign primarily based on attacks some of which I feel were honestly uncalled for and mean spirited. Her answers to direct questions on social issues reflect at best a lack of interest or knowledge, and at worst poor moral ideals. She knows that social issues are very important to a large percentage of social conservative republicans like myself, and I believe that she knows she must get the social conservative vote to win the nomination. Personally, I don't buy what she is trying to sell. While I might agree with her that Crozier's analogy was poor, I do not agree with her campaign to force Crozier and Becker to resign from GRTL. Based on comments I've read from Handel, she seems to be very bitter and unpleasant. Although a good personality isn't completely necessary in running a state, I think it does call into question her character. This also brings into question her judgement and how she would work to resolve problems. It is for these reasons that I endorse Nathan Deal for Governor of Georgia. Did you hear that AJC?
I feel like this was a poor analogy and wording by Melanie Crozier, but before everyone follows Handel's screams for Crozier's ouster, let's look at exactly what she said and consider the context in which she spoke. Melanie first simply pointed out a fact that Sarah Palin's son has Down's Syndrome. I see nothing wrong with that. Then she mention's "Karen Handel's laws." What is she talking about here? Well, in a life site news article written on June 3rd, Dan Becker, the Georgia Right to Life president, tells LifeNews.com, "Handel proclaims herself pro-life; however, she does not meet the 21st century demands of being pro-life. For instance, Handel believes that a child may be aborted based on its manner of conception. When I asked her directly her thoughts on the value of embryos, she answered that she does not believe that an embryonic human is a child," Becker said.
Karen Handel is supportive of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother. On the other hand, her competitor for Georgia governor makes the only exception in the case that the mother's life is in danger. Although Sarah Palin's pregnancy does not fit any of those exceptions, Handel's interpretation of the value of life is dependent on the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy. In cases of rape and incest, the health of the mother may not be in danger. What justification is there then for killing the baby? When people allow acceptions based on the circumstances it is not a far stretch to imagine that they soon too would accept killing babies that would also appear to be born under other difficult circumstances. Although I follow Melanie Crozier's logic, and agree with it, I think she definitely misspoke when trying to explain her position.
Full disclosure, I am supporting Nathan Deal in the GA republican race for governor because I do not trust Handel and her positions on the most important social issues: the protection of life and family. In addition to her views on abortion in cases of rape and incest, I have serious concerns about her apparent belief that a human embryo is not a child. I have a serious problem with her funding of programs through Planned Parenthood. I have serious questions about her dedication and resolve to protect the institution of marriage considering her support of gay group Log Cabin Republicans. I must note that Handel has since denied the claim about supporting Log Cabin Republicans, she has tried to explain her funding of Planned Parenthood (rather unsuccessfully I might add), and she continues to say she is "staunchly and unequivocally" pro-life.
The question is what and who do you trust. Honestly, I'm not sure I fully trust any politician, but I certainly don't trust Handel. She has run a campaign primarily based on attacks some of which I feel were honestly uncalled for and mean spirited. Her answers to direct questions on social issues reflect at best a lack of interest or knowledge, and at worst poor moral ideals. She knows that social issues are very important to a large percentage of social conservative republicans like myself, and I believe that she knows she must get the social conservative vote to win the nomination. Personally, I don't buy what she is trying to sell. While I might agree with her that Crozier's analogy was poor, I do not agree with her campaign to force Crozier and Becker to resign from GRTL. Based on comments I've read from Handel, she seems to be very bitter and unpleasant. Although a good personality isn't completely necessary in running a state, I think it does call into question her character. This also brings into question her judgement and how she would work to resolve problems. It is for these reasons that I endorse Nathan Deal for Governor of Georgia. Did you hear that AJC?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Kegan's "Answer" on Natural Law is VERY Troubling
This video alone should be enough for you to urge your elected representative to vote NO on Kegan for Supreme Court Justice. Her response to whether people have God given, unalienable rights is very,very troubling. Kegan is also extreme in her views on life issues. She supports partial birth abortion even at it's latest stages, assisted suicide, and may even support human cloning. Kegan is a radical liberal. Voting for her confirmation is this week. Make sure your voice of opposition to Kegan is heard before the vote.
If you find this video as troubling as I do, please sign the petition to oppose Elena Kegan HERE.
If you find this video as troubling as I do, please sign the petition to oppose Elena Kegan HERE.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
GA Senator Saxby Chambliss Will Vote NO on Elena Kegan's Supreme Court Nomination
Good News from GA! Below is an email I received this morning from Senator Saxby Chambliss in response to my letter voicing my concerns about Elena Kagan.
Dear Mr. Duquaine:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the nomination of Elena Kagan. It is good to hear from you.
On May 10, 2010, President Obama nominated Elena Kagan to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ms. Hagan currently serves as the Solicitor General of the United States, and was confirmed by the Senate 61-31 on March 19, 2009.
I have consistently stated that Supreme Court nominees must not engage in legislating from the bench, but instead interpret the laws as written. Additionally, any judge who sits on the nation's highest court must understand that the correct venue for making policy is the legislative branch. After reviewing Solicitor General Kagan's record, I remain unconvinced that she will show this requisite judicial restraint
Furthermore, Ms. Kagan once criticized the Supreme Court confirmation process as lacking "seriousness and substance," but when faced with the opportunity to clarify many of her more troubling positions during days of questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she was evasive and unhelpful. Her inadequate answers leave me with significant concerns on several issues, including discriminatory actions against military recruiters, in clear violation of federal law, while she was dean of Harvard Law School in protest of the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy; her hostility toward the Second Amendment while employed by the judicial and executive branches; and her support for the egregious practice of partial-birth abortion. Therefore, I will vote against her nomination to the Supreme Court.
If you would like to receive timely email alerts regarding the latest congressional actions and my weekly e-newsletter, please sign up via my web site at:www.chambliss.senate.gov . Please let me know whenever I may be of assistance.
Dear Mr. Duquaine:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the nomination of Elena Kagan. It is good to hear from you.
On May 10, 2010, President Obama nominated Elena Kagan to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ms. Hagan currently serves as the Solicitor General of the United States, and was confirmed by the Senate 61-31 on March 19, 2009.
I have consistently stated that Supreme Court nominees must not engage in legislating from the bench, but instead interpret the laws as written. Additionally, any judge who sits on the nation's highest court must understand that the correct venue for making policy is the legislative branch. After reviewing Solicitor General Kagan's record, I remain unconvinced that she will show this requisite judicial restraint
Furthermore, Ms. Kagan once criticized the Supreme Court confirmation process as lacking "seriousness and substance," but when faced with the opportunity to clarify many of her more troubling positions during days of questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she was evasive and unhelpful. Her inadequate answers leave me with significant concerns on several issues, including discriminatory actions against military recruiters, in clear violation of federal law, while she was dean of Harvard Law School in protest of the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy; her hostility toward the Second Amendment while employed by the judicial and executive branches; and her support for the egregious practice of partial-birth abortion. Therefore, I will vote against her nomination to the Supreme Court.
If you would like to receive timely email alerts regarding the latest congressional actions and my weekly e-newsletter, please sign up via my web site at:www.chambliss.senate.gov . Please let me know whenever I may be of assistance.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Urgent Prayer Request
I just learned that my good friend from our pro life group at church has really bad cancer. She has a large tumor on her lung and also has liver and bone cancer. This news pains me deeply. Pam is such a wonderful person. She is the respect life leader at our church. She has just been through a long process of adopting a foster child and now they may take the child away from her. My heart aches at this news. I wish such terrible things didn't happen to such wonderful people, but I know God has a plan. Please keep Pam and her family in your prayers. We will be praying a rosary for her at 7 pm next Tuesday. I ask that you pray a rosary or if you are not familiar with the rosary please say another prayer for Pam at that time. Somehow God will make good of even this terrible situation. Thank you very much for your prayers.
God bless.
God bless.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Please Help Support FOCUS
FOCUS stands for Fellowship of Catholic University Students. FOCUS missionaries exists to build relationships with college students and introduce them to Jesus Christ and His Church, empowering them to do the same for others. Focus missionaries reach out to students by leading Bible studies, mentoring students one-on-one, and much more. These missionaries need your prayers but they also need finacial assistance. My cousin Joe is a FOCUS missionary. Please join me in supporting Joe and all the FOCUS missionaries through prayer and financial assistance. To make a tax deductible donation to FOCUS, click on their website HERE. Know that no donation is too small and your support of FOCUS is greatly appreciated by everyone at FOCUS. I am not a member of FOCUS, but I support their work. FOCUS makes the Church stronger and brings more people to the truth of Jesus Christ. We should all be doing the same.
God bless!
God bless!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thought For the Day: Do Not Be Afraid
Do not be afraid. Believe in the almighty power and mercy of God, and you will have nothing to fear. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord today and everyday.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Live Life Joyfully
Be thankful for the good things in your life; don't dwell on the bad things. Do not simply ignore evil, but out of love confront it as best you can and let God take care of the rest. Answer negativity, despair, and hate with positivity, hope and love. This approach to life will bring you happiness and joy and it will spread to others.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Catholic Colleges Are Undermining the Bishops
Below is a message from former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum. Please consider supporting the Cardinal Newman Society. God bless!
To: Faithful Catholics
From: Hon. Rick Santorum
Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
Subject: Catholic Colleges Are Undermining the Bishops

As someone who treasures our Catholic Faith, I write with great concern.
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo recently said that Catholics who lobbied for the health care reform law—ignoring the Bishops' warnings about abortion funding and weak conscience protections—had caused "confusion and a wound to Catholic unity."
And to make matters worse, among those working against the Church on pro-life health care were educators at our Catholic colleges.
And then there is this: President Obama's latest addition to the powerful Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a same-sex marriage advocate whose concept of "sexual liberty" would trump our religious liberty.
And what were the credentials by which she was selected for this honor? Since 1991, she has been a celebrated professor at Georgetown Law Center—at a Jesuit Catholic university.
When Catholic colleges help advance the secular assault on morality and religious liberty, faithful Catholics need to stand up in defense of the Faith!
We cannot ignore the fact that certain Catholic colleges are employing and honoring dissenters who actively undermine the Church on abortion, marriage, healthcare and conscience protections.
And that is why I hope that you will click here immediately to join The Cardinal Newman Society's urgent efforts to fight for our religious liberty and demand genuine Catholic identity.
Because the stakes are high!
Chai Feldblum, the recent Georgetown law professor who is now at the EEOC, helped author the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act " (ENDA) which is before Congress. This bill could cripple Catholic schools, hospitals and other charities by forcing them to provide benefits to same-sex couples.
Feldblum joins the EEOC just as it considers an appeal by Belmont Abbey College, a faithful Catholic college in North Carolina which has been charged with discrimination for refusing to cover birth control pills in its employee health plan.
If the appeal is rejected, Belmont Abbey and other faithful Catholic colleges could be forced to close their doors rather than compromise their Catholic identity!
The Cardinal Newman Society is determined to not let that happen. It has publicly defended Belmont Abbey and enlisted leading legal and insurance experts to advise Catholic colleges on protecting their Catholic identity.
But the irony here is that the celebrated professor of a Catholic university is now a threat to faithful Catholic colleges!
That is why The Cardinal Newman Society and its more than 20,000 members have been so courageous in speaking out when the Faith is undermined by our own Catholic educators!
I urge you immediately to join and assist The Cardinal Newman Society's efforts to defend religious liberty and restore Catholic identity.
Because you need The Cardinal Newman Society's reports to keep informed about what is going on right beneath our noses! There are many others like Feldblum.
Consider the damage that liberal Catholics caused during the last days of the healthcare debate, when they undermined the Bishops' demands for pro-life and conscience provisions.
For instance, an influential group of 25 leading "theologians"—11 of them citing Catholic college credentials—lobbied Congress to reject concerns about the bill. That gave legislators cover to vote for the bill with a "clear conscience."
And according to the Associated Press, the University of Notre Dame's president emeritus Father Theodore Hesburgh helped House Speaker Nancy Pelosi convince a pro-life congressman to switch his vote in support of the health care bill.
Soon after the health care law was signed, Georgetown welcomed "special guest" Nancy Pelosi to a university celebration despite her firm opposition to any pro-life compromise in the law.
The Cardinal Newman Society needs your help to defend the Faith—even on Catholic campuses!
Several leading Catholic colleges and universities have long been a source of disunity in the Church by employing dissident theologians, honoring pro-abortion politicians and hosting performances of the obscene play, The Vagina Monologues.
For 17 years, The Cardinal Newman Society has worked for genuine Catholic identity at America's great Catholic colleges and universities. I have seen this organization do some amazing work:
After years of exposing pro-abortion and otherwise scandalous commencement speakers on Catholic campuses, the number has declined from 24 in 2006 to just eleven this year!
The Cardinal Newman Society has introduced tens of thousands of Catholic families to faithfully Catholic institutions with The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College.
Last year the Society stood tall against Notre Dame's commencement honors for President Barack Obama, gathering more than 367,000 signatures in opposition!
It is this sort of leadership that is so greatly needed today. The Cardinal Newman Society has been fighting for Catholic identity and freedom for 17 years—and winning!
You should be a part of this exciting and urgent effort by supporting The Cardinal Newman Society today.
Your support will be especially helpful as The Cardinal Newman Society faces new, serious challenges this summer.
The federal takeover of student loans—so that money is loaned directly from the U.S. government—is raising new concerns about protecting Catholic colleges from government intrusion.
And the EEOC is expected to rule on Belmont Abbey College, potentially setting up a court battle that could have devastating consequences for the religious freedom of Catholics!
To address these and other threats to authentic Catholic identity, The Cardinal Newman Society needs your help now!
If we want to restore a Culture of Life to America… if we want to protect the institution of marriage… if we want to hand on the Faith to future generations… then we must ensure faithful Catholic education, and we must oppose dissent and disunity.
We have all had enough of scandal.
That is why I firmly believe in the great importance of The Cardinal Newman Society's work to fight for our religious liberty and demand genuine Catholic identity.
I am asking you today to join more than 20,000 Catholics who have already supported The Cardinal Newman Society.
Please be a part of the solution, and click here to support and receive updates on The Cardinal Newman Society's important work.
And may God bless you for all that will be accomplished with your support!
To: Faithful Catholics
From: Hon. Rick Santorum
Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
Subject: Catholic Colleges Are Undermining the Bishops

As someone who treasures our Catholic Faith, I write with great concern.
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo recently said that Catholics who lobbied for the health care reform law—ignoring the Bishops' warnings about abortion funding and weak conscience protections—had caused "confusion and a wound to Catholic unity."
And to make matters worse, among those working against the Church on pro-life health care were educators at our Catholic colleges.
And then there is this: President Obama's latest addition to the powerful Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a same-sex marriage advocate whose concept of "sexual liberty" would trump our religious liberty.
And what were the credentials by which she was selected for this honor? Since 1991, she has been a celebrated professor at Georgetown Law Center—at a Jesuit Catholic university.
When Catholic colleges help advance the secular assault on morality and religious liberty, faithful Catholics need to stand up in defense of the Faith!
We cannot ignore the fact that certain Catholic colleges are employing and honoring dissenters who actively undermine the Church on abortion, marriage, healthcare and conscience protections.
And that is why I hope that you will click here immediately to join The Cardinal Newman Society's urgent efforts to fight for our religious liberty and demand genuine Catholic identity.
Because the stakes are high!
Chai Feldblum, the recent Georgetown law professor who is now at the EEOC, helped author the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act " (ENDA) which is before Congress. This bill could cripple Catholic schools, hospitals and other charities by forcing them to provide benefits to same-sex couples.
Feldblum joins the EEOC just as it considers an appeal by Belmont Abbey College, a faithful Catholic college in North Carolina which has been charged with discrimination for refusing to cover birth control pills in its employee health plan.
If the appeal is rejected, Belmont Abbey and other faithful Catholic colleges could be forced to close their doors rather than compromise their Catholic identity!
The Cardinal Newman Society is determined to not let that happen. It has publicly defended Belmont Abbey and enlisted leading legal and insurance experts to advise Catholic colleges on protecting their Catholic identity.
But the irony here is that the celebrated professor of a Catholic university is now a threat to faithful Catholic colleges!
That is why The Cardinal Newman Society and its more than 20,000 members have been so courageous in speaking out when the Faith is undermined by our own Catholic educators!
I urge you immediately to join and assist The Cardinal Newman Society's efforts to defend religious liberty and restore Catholic identity.
Because you need The Cardinal Newman Society's reports to keep informed about what is going on right beneath our noses! There are many others like Feldblum.
Consider the damage that liberal Catholics caused during the last days of the healthcare debate, when they undermined the Bishops' demands for pro-life and conscience provisions.
For instance, an influential group of 25 leading "theologians"—11 of them citing Catholic college credentials—lobbied Congress to reject concerns about the bill. That gave legislators cover to vote for the bill with a "clear conscience."
And according to the Associated Press, the University of Notre Dame's president emeritus Father Theodore Hesburgh helped House Speaker Nancy Pelosi convince a pro-life congressman to switch his vote in support of the health care bill.
Soon after the health care law was signed, Georgetown welcomed "special guest" Nancy Pelosi to a university celebration despite her firm opposition to any pro-life compromise in the law.
The Cardinal Newman Society needs your help to defend the Faith—even on Catholic campuses!
Several leading Catholic colleges and universities have long been a source of disunity in the Church by employing dissident theologians, honoring pro-abortion politicians and hosting performances of the obscene play, The Vagina Monologues.
For 17 years, The Cardinal Newman Society has worked for genuine Catholic identity at America's great Catholic colleges and universities. I have seen this organization do some amazing work:
After years of exposing pro-abortion and otherwise scandalous commencement speakers on Catholic campuses, the number has declined from 24 in 2006 to just eleven this year!
The Cardinal Newman Society has introduced tens of thousands of Catholic families to faithfully Catholic institutions with The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College.
Last year the Society stood tall against Notre Dame's commencement honors for President Barack Obama, gathering more than 367,000 signatures in opposition!
It is this sort of leadership that is so greatly needed today. The Cardinal Newman Society has been fighting for Catholic identity and freedom for 17 years—and winning!
You should be a part of this exciting and urgent effort by supporting The Cardinal Newman Society today.
Your support will be especially helpful as The Cardinal Newman Society faces new, serious challenges this summer.
The federal takeover of student loans—so that money is loaned directly from the U.S. government—is raising new concerns about protecting Catholic colleges from government intrusion.
And the EEOC is expected to rule on Belmont Abbey College, potentially setting up a court battle that could have devastating consequences for the religious freedom of Catholics!
To address these and other threats to authentic Catholic identity, The Cardinal Newman Society needs your help now!
If we want to restore a Culture of Life to America… if we want to protect the institution of marriage… if we want to hand on the Faith to future generations… then we must ensure faithful Catholic education, and we must oppose dissent and disunity.
We have all had enough of scandal.
That is why I firmly believe in the great importance of The Cardinal Newman Society's work to fight for our religious liberty and demand genuine Catholic identity.
I am asking you today to join more than 20,000 Catholics who have already supported The Cardinal Newman Society.
Please be a part of the solution, and click here to support and receive updates on The Cardinal Newman Society's important work.
And may God bless you for all that will be accomplished with your support!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Catholic Blog Directory
My blog is now listed on the Catholic Blog Directory. It is a list of over 2000 Catholic Blogs. It is an honor be included on this list. To see the list, visit the Catholic Blog Directory.
Thanks for visiting my blog and God bless!
Thanks for visiting my blog and God bless!
Church on the Ball
The World Cup in South Africa is just a few short days away. In preparation for the biggest sporting event in the world (maybe not for most Americans, but for most everybody else),this video talks about the work the church is doing in South Africa.
Church on the Ball from CatholicStudio on Vimeo.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Reflections on C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity: Book 1 Chapter 4
What Lies Behind the Law
In chapter 4 of book 1, C.S. Lewis examines what the Law of Human Nature tells us about the universe. Since the start of their existence humans have wondered about what the world really is and how it came about. According to C.S. Lewis there are 2 central views.
1) Materialistic View
a. In the materialistic view, people believe that matter and space just happen to exist and always have, but nobody really knows why, and it just so happened to produce creatures like ourselves who are able to think.
2) Religious View
a. In the religious view, people believe that what lies behind the universe is a greater power that we cannot ever fully comprehend, nor can we ever fully understand why God created the universe how he did. However, those who believe in this view believe that God has a purpose for everything he made, including ourselves.
Science cannot defend or refute either view since science works by experiments; it answers how things are but not why things are. C.S. Lewis stresses that this is not a statement against science for science has often proved to be very valuable to the progress of mankind, but it is simply a statement of fact. He also contends that the only thing in the universe that we can know more about than we can learn from external observation is the human person. We do not merely observe people, we are people. For example, the moral law that is written on each one of our hearts is not something someone could know simply by observance without having this inside knowledge of the human person.
I mentioned that C.S. believed that there are two central views about which people view how and why the earth is what it is and how it came about, however C.S. Lewis points out that there is in fact an in-between third view.
3) Creative Evolution View
a. In the creative evolution view, people believe that the small variation by which the life on this planet evolved from the lowest forms to man were not by chance but by the striving of a “life-force.”
If by life-force they mean something like a mind bringing life into existence and leading it to perfection than their view is actually in line with the religious view; this mind they speak of is God. However, if they believe that this life-force is something without a mind, their view is fatally flawed just as the materialistic view is flawed according to C.S. Lewis. When this third view is absent of God, it becomes eerily similar to a popular belief and threat to Christianity in our present time; moral relativism. Many people find creative evolution so attractive because it gives one the emotional comfort of believing in God with none of the less pleasant consequences. We will find out in chapter five why this creative evolution view is flawed.
God bless!
In chapter 4 of book 1, C.S. Lewis examines what the Law of Human Nature tells us about the universe. Since the start of their existence humans have wondered about what the world really is and how it came about. According to C.S. Lewis there are 2 central views.
1) Materialistic View
a. In the materialistic view, people believe that matter and space just happen to exist and always have, but nobody really knows why, and it just so happened to produce creatures like ourselves who are able to think.
2) Religious View
a. In the religious view, people believe that what lies behind the universe is a greater power that we cannot ever fully comprehend, nor can we ever fully understand why God created the universe how he did. However, those who believe in this view believe that God has a purpose for everything he made, including ourselves.
Science cannot defend or refute either view since science works by experiments; it answers how things are but not why things are. C.S. Lewis stresses that this is not a statement against science for science has often proved to be very valuable to the progress of mankind, but it is simply a statement of fact. He also contends that the only thing in the universe that we can know more about than we can learn from external observation is the human person. We do not merely observe people, we are people. For example, the moral law that is written on each one of our hearts is not something someone could know simply by observance without having this inside knowledge of the human person.
I mentioned that C.S. believed that there are two central views about which people view how and why the earth is what it is and how it came about, however C.S. Lewis points out that there is in fact an in-between third view.
3) Creative Evolution View
a. In the creative evolution view, people believe that the small variation by which the life on this planet evolved from the lowest forms to man were not by chance but by the striving of a “life-force.”
If by life-force they mean something like a mind bringing life into existence and leading it to perfection than their view is actually in line with the religious view; this mind they speak of is God. However, if they believe that this life-force is something without a mind, their view is fatally flawed just as the materialistic view is flawed according to C.S. Lewis. When this third view is absent of God, it becomes eerily similar to a popular belief and threat to Christianity in our present time; moral relativism. Many people find creative evolution so attractive because it gives one the emotional comfort of believing in God with none of the less pleasant consequences. We will find out in chapter five why this creative evolution view is flawed.
God bless!
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