28 Responses to “McCain Thanks Rudy”
This is a sad, sad day. If the presidential race shows Clinton and McCain as the Presidential nominees, that is the day that this voter sits at home and does not vote. Is that the best candidates America has to offer? Really? That is sad.
I would vote for Obama before I would vote for McCain. With Obama, I at least I know what I’m getting. With McCain, all you get is a “Maverick” who doesn’t represent conservatives on almost every issue. I thought us conservatives were principled. So what’s with this logic of, “well, McCain beats Hillary head to head in the polls, so I’m voting for him.” And your principles? Did they go out the door so quickly for the sake of winning? Or is that our only principle? Win–no matter what the Republican party has to become. Which under McCain means amnesty for illegal aliens, maybe so maybe not for keeping tax cuts permanent, an indefinite stay in Iraq no matter what Americans want, and a commander-in-chief who admits he’s not so sharp on economics. Oohh, let me vote for that guy! (sarcasm included)
I am pleading for all that his holy and “right” of center, vote for a conservative nominee that CAN win and that represents conservative principles. That is Mitt Romney–the conservatives last best hope. Vote Mitt on Super Tuesday!
All of these so-called conservative Romney supporters threatening to vote for Obama . . . hilarious! Vote for the consistent conservative with integrity, credibility, and authenticity: MIKE HUCKABEE!
Huckabee is still in the race despite what fox news will lead you to believe, and he is the best choice for conservative voters. Huckabee has strong backing in several of the Super Tuesday states. It is not a two-man race, but a three-man race. Don’t count him out yet. Vote Huckabee.
Mike and Mikey–you are delusional Huckabee fanatics. I guess facts don’t mean much to you. McCain has won 3 primaries, Romney has won 3 primaries, and how many has Huckabee won? Oh yeah, one. He’s done, put a fork in him. A vote for Huckabee is a wasted vote on Super Tuesday. You might as well vote for the liberal in the Republican race, and that is John McCain.
Yup. One liberal (Rudy) endorses another (McCommie). This is what has become of the CONSERVATIVE movement? Can’t we do better than these liberals? Don’t forget mcCommie’s plan to tear down what little wall exists between Mexico and our southern border — to give your job to an illegal and his 20 million closest friends. Yes, he was and is the great champion of AMNESTY!
And expect McCommie to immediately compromise with the Demo-controlled congress next year to forever give away the Bush tax cuts that he fiercely opposed in the first place ( and HE accuses Romney of being a ‘flipflopper’! Good grief!). But don’t worry: the vote for McCommie is just a vote for Hillary — because the Demo’s will easily trump McCommie when they remind the electorate that McCommie would be the oldest pres. in US history upon inauguration. It just won’t work. McCommie is already dead. Remember how he read his first state primary speech for about 10 minutes? Looking down and mumbling throughout!?! Putting everyone there asleep?!? The demos are cheering for McCommie — as he will actually be the easiest for them to defeat. Get a clue, GOP. Anyone but McCommie!
Huckster WHO?? He is SOOOO gone! Don’t waste your vote on him. He couldn’t even win well in his South! He’s toast out of the Bible belt! The only one worse than the Huckster would be McCain, who lied and twisted to a stolen ‘victory’ in FL. No thanks. I’d switch parties before I’d support McCain, who can’t wait to help his liberal friends in Congress approve full Amnesty and undo the Bush tax cuts forever.
A vote for Obama is dilusional. First of all, I’m not a Huckabee fanatic. It is unfair to label a person a fanatic simply because he does not support your candidate. I happen to believe he is the best conservative candidate in the field. He has been consistent on conservative issues unlike Romney who has changed positions frequently to please the crowd. You just went through a three paragraph tirade on people voting for McCain because he has a great chance of winning the presidential nomination. Now you bash us for supporting Huckabee? I’ll be voting for Huckabee on Tuesday and I’ll be darn proud of my vote. And that vote will count.
Mike Huckabee, if not the Republican candidate, would make a great Vice President. I think a Huckabee, McCain ticket would be ok…Huck would keep the “Maverick” in line..work on the economic front and McCain on the domestic and war front….Both are strong on defense, which is what we need……Like Huckabee says, lets build a defense nobody wants to mess with, and if they do, then may they feel the gates of hell opening up and the wrath of hell coming down on them…Vote for Huck….
Gerald, sounds like any one but Romney won’t satisfy you.
Funny, any one but Romney is exactly who I’ll support.
I am in total agreement with Billy. This is a sad day in American politics when a blatant liar gets the “frontrunner” status and is annointed by the media by winning one primary. Only about 1/200th of our population determined it too. I have no idea why so many republicans are backing this two faced polititian. He honestly has changed positions as much and probably more than Romney. The only difference is that Romney is willing to admit it and McCain is not. He has stooped to unethical politics to get the republican nomination and i honestly could not vote for him on those principles alone. I honestly can’t believe Florida believed the lies. And don’t get me started on Huckabee. The only thing he has done is thrown more wood on the fire against Romney for McCain. All he has in his debates are sly comments aimed at Mitt that are neither appropriate nor funny. And the manner in which he has sought the evangelical vote is sad in my opinion. Then he has Chuck Norris. Need I say more.
With the lack of a decent republican nominee (besides Mitt) I would honestly vote for Obama if he got the nomination. He’s a nice guy, is principled, believes in our country, and has not stooped to lying to get to the white house. Though i disagree with his war policy, taxes, and some other things i don’t think McCain would do a better job. He would just sit in the white house for four years with his trophy wife waiting for the next “big event” he has to appear at and do nothing as far as helping this country. His campaign is almost telling me that he has done enough so far he “deserves” the white house. No amount of McCain’s political career is deserving of a vote for president.
Out of all the candidates Mike Huckabee (who worked two jobs to get through college, grew up in a not so middle class area(poor), and stood by his wife through her cancer) is more American and what America stands for than any other candidate…He wants to move America upward make her better both in character and financially where everyone benefits…He has more character in his one eye than most (not all) of the other candidates…and if he can take his 2 million dollars and campaign on it where as all the other candidates have any where from 30 million to 90 million dollars and still not have twice the delegates…it just goes to show you who would use AMERICANS MONEY TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY. This race is NOT over for Huckabee the vote is on and those that wish to educate themselves about the issues, the character and abilities of the candidates will see the best man for this prestigious job of representing Americans and improving our country and restoring dignity to the office and to other countries is to vote for Mike Huckabee
Can anyone tell specifically tell me what McCain has done or will do to “protect america against radical islamic extremist”? Why are Americans falling for that crap? Ok he was a POW and a war hero 40 years ago which I give him my thanks? How does that qualify him today? OK, he supported the surge which has diminished some of the attacks in Iraq. I’m sorry but my wife and I had that discussion two years ago and our conclusion was we either had to get the hell out or increase our troops in order to get the peace needed for Iraq to take over. We knew Bush was never leaving so the only logical answer long before it happened was to provide the “surge”. Why didn’t McCain use his great power to protect us and get that done long before? Did his position as senator and his vast military experience protect us from 9/11? Where was he back in 1998? when we had a great opportunity to capture Bin Laden? Honestly, How is he going to protect us from “radical islamic extremist” any better than any other candidate? The guy is getting way too much mileage out of that claim and I’m sick of his campaign exploiting our concern over these extremists beyond what he should. Yes we have to be concerned and vigilante but he’s playing our fears and making them worse. I can’t believe he will probably be our GOP nominee.
From McCain’s victory speech in Florida today:
“I offer my best wishes to Governor Romney and his supporters. You fought hard for your candidate, and the margin that separated us tonight surely isn’t big enough for me to brag about or for you to despair. Governor Huckabee and his supporters, as always, brought to this campaign conviction and passion and something we don’t always have enough of in these contests, good humor and grace. And I want to thank, my dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, who invested his heart and soul in this primary, and who conducted himself with all the qualities of the exceptional American leader he truly is. Thank you, for all you have added to this race, and for being an inspiration to me and millions of Americans.”
We just got introduced by the next U.S. President John McCain to the next American Vize President, R. Giuliani - as I predicted it on my blog since way before South Carolina primary.
Have a nice one: “Your Choice 2008″ - lmao…
I am a Huckabee supporter who has no choice but to switch to Romney’s camp. No one else can stop Sen. John McSnake. I swear you nearly hear him hiss between words. McCain is a liberal. I hope Huckabee also drops out but endorses and campaigns for Romney…maybee Huckabee can be VP. We have got to get conservatives together to stop the traitor, McSnake.
Also, I hope McCain dies. Otherwise, I like the man…ie if he is 6 feet under! LOL
Well, McCain will never ever get my vote after this weekend. I’m not giving up yet; I’ll be fighting this whole week for Romney and voting for him here in California. But, if McCain gets the nomination after this horrific mistake by Floridians, I hope a third party emerges or I’ll just sit home on election day, or maybe do something I never dreamed of and vote for the Dem. Dirty tricks don’t go unnoticed and there are consequences. My early prediction is looking to be true: Romney is just too good of a man to become president. Our process unfortunately only allows for corrupt, dishonest, and ruthless people to get elected. It’s a sad night!
If you really are a Huckabee supporter…
(a) Why are you bailing when there are still forty-something states left, many of which (esp. in the South) we will win?
(b) Under any circumstances, how could you lend your support to someone (Romney) who has campaigned so viciously against Huckabee without regard to fairness or truthfulness?
I have interacted with literally dozens of Huckabee supporters. All of us agree on at least one thing - Romney will never get our vote.
Makes me wonder if you’re really a Huckabee supporter, or just a phantom Romney Robot seeking to lure voters to your plastic candidate, (the former Gov. of Taxachusetts, not so affectionately known as “Fee Fee” for the way he increased fees while governor in New England).
I will never vote for Romney over Huckabee! I LOVE that guy and I will stand behind him. I was never in politics until I learned about him. I support him, I believe in him. I will NOT compromise my beliefs. He is the only one who understands the true beliefs of our Forefathers.
Huckabee 08
Romney is still my man! He has the experience, leadership, and morals we need. If McCain is the nominee- my vote is for Obama.
I need someone new to Washington who will mix it up, not same ol’, same ol’.
Romney- we support you overseas!